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Not really



Right as Wilhelm and Adam clashed blades, the two seemed to share a mask. Adam's was white, and Wilhelm's was black.

Adam:"You're not like the others..."

Wilhelm:"AM I?"

He yelled as he spun around to parry Adams next slash. 

Adam:"You are not fully human, aren't you!?"

Wilhelm:"That's a lie!"

Adam slashed over and over and over, these attacks were far too brutal for Wilhelm to keep going. Wilhelm suddenly kicked Adam and kept his blade at the ready.

Adam:"Please, we can all see it within you."


Wilhelm then acrobatically. backflipped and kicked off the ground at a high rate of speed towards Adam who countered by going into a deadly blade lock with Wilhelm.

Adam:"You're no human. You don't fight like one."

Wilhelm:"I'm just better."

Adam:" You fight faster than even the Red-cloaked girl. You don't show it do you?"

Wilhelm:"SHUT UP!"

Adam then kicked Wilhelm's stomach. Then suddenly felt a Bullet hit his chest. Making Wilhelm get knocked back even further. 

*Skip to 3:35 on music*

Meanwhile... In slow motion... Many MTF in desperation are fighting with their fists,  and one MTF member is seen choking a Female White Fang member to death... A White Fang dismembered an MTF private's arm. The Foundation was losing.. Another MTF unit is seen beating one White Fang member who raises their hand in desperation to prevent the MTF unit from hurting them more. An MTF unit is seen fighting and shouting off 4 White Fang members while defending a dying friend with nothing more than a small knife. Several MTF units are on their backs firing their pistols... War isn't always about glory... War isn't about being the hero... War is hell...

White Fang:"Please don't hurt me! Please!"

MTF Unit *sobbing*:"I have no choice!"

White Fang:"No! I don't want to die!"


As Wilhelm witnessed this his compassion took over as he realized what monsters they're becoming out of pure desperation... Then he faced Adam who held his sword.

Wilhelm grimaced, and he yelled out in desperation to prevent all of the other MTF falling. He didn't want to be responsible for men falling... When they can leave safely...

Wilhelm:"FALL back men!" 


MTF Leader:"We can't just leave you behind!"

Wilhelm:"GO! This is my fight."

The MTF carried the wounded and the dead as they fell back.  They were looking back as Wilhelm took on the rest of the White Fang in a last stand.

Wilhelm:"COME ON!"

They all charged at him and a brutal fight ensued. Wilhelm took a nearby belt of grenades and hurled them at the group, he then expertly aimed and fired at one of the grenades on the belt. Blowing up all of Adam's goons. 

Foundation On Remnant Vol. 3 (RWBY X SCP)Where stories live. Discover now