(mha) shinkami depression 💚 🖤

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Trigger warning: this story contains underage drinking, depression, and self harm in the form of wrist cutting. Proceed at your own risk. If you are struggling with depression, talk to someone. I am almost always available to chat. Now on with the story.

This story is based off the video above not my original idea though I did change some things around.

Shinsou sat on the floor of his room drinking some of his dad's alcohol he stole. He was way past drunk but he just sat there thinking about life.

Denki came over a couple minutes later because shinsou wasn't responding to his texts and he was worried.

Denki nocked on the door and waited for it to open.

"Hi, is shinsou home?" He asked when the door was opened

"Yeah he's upstairs. You can go and see him if you want." Mr. Aizawa, shinsou's dad, said

"Ok thanks." Denki said as he walked up the stairs to shinsou's room

He opened the door just to be hit with the overwhelming smell of alcohol and see shinsou sitting criss cross in the middle of his room with empty beer bottles strewn about.

"Shinsou?" Denki asked

"Huh?" Shinsou responded turning his head in the direction of denki's voice

"Are you ok shinsou?"

"Yeah I'm fine." He sighed

Denki sat down beside shinsou. Shinsou wasn't a chaotic drunk. He just was very calm and forgot some things.

They talked for a bit before shinsou started to pull at the bracelets around his wrist. He pulled at them but couldn't manage to get them off. He fell back onto the floor and held his arm out to denki.

"Can you take these off for me?" He asked

Denki took shinsou's arm and started to peel the rubber bracelets off. After a few were taken off he stopped. He saw scars. older and newer that littered shinsou's wrist. They criss crossed all over the place and some were alarmingly deep.

"Uh, shinsou. What's this?" Denki asked

Shinsou's eyes snapped open and he yanked his arm away from denki while sitting upright.

"Shit!" He hissed under his breath

"Shinsou. What is that?" Denki asked again

"Nothing. stop talking."

Denki grabbed at shinsou's arm but shinsou pulled it out of reach.

"Shinsou are, are you cutting?"

"I don't want to talk about it."

"Talk to me shinsou. Why did you do it?"

"I said I don't want to talk about it!" He yelled at denki

"Why did you cut shunsou?!" Denki yelled back

"You wouldn't understand!"

"Then tell me!"

"You wouldn't understand denki!"

"Shinsou, te-"

"I said you wouldn't understand! Now stop!"

"I'd understand if you told me!"

"You dont know! You dont know what it's like to cut. To want to hurt yourself."

"Then explain to me."

"No you don't know!"

"Tell me then."

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