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Heya, sweeties! Before your reading, I have some little things to explain about this story. First, what it is about, and then, why I have made some choices.

The story is a prequel for TSOL, and takes place in 201X, during Chara's childhood. Yeah, I have decided to rewrite in my own way the story of a well-known character in Undertale, I know there are many stories about Chara's life before the fall, but it meant a lot to me to write one, too. You'll discover the Chara who has become the queen of the Underground in TSOL, don't forget that, in this timeline, Asgore has never been poisoned by buttercups, and Chara isn't dead too.

I have decided to adopt a new point of view on the story, by adding a new "narrator": Patience, who is Chara's little sister. I wanted to explain things throughout her vision, and also focus on Chara's family point of view, not only on Chara's. This also allowed me to experiment a new form of writing (by using a diary) to express Patience's thoughts and worries, and make her more "human".

As for Chara, I had a kinda personal vision of her motivations that led her to climb Mount Ebott, so well, I apologize in advance if you didn't see Chara like that. But you know, Chara's story has much various possibilities and anyone is free to interpret it differently, my vision is not the truth, and everyone has its own, so please, consider it.

Indeed, when I wrote that story, I have put a lot of my own life experiences inside, and also, some traumas I went through when I was a child. It helped me a lot to write about it, and Chara here is a sort of "intermediary" for me to talk about my fears and all the things hidden inside my soul. That's why some moments in the story can maybe be hard to read, because they were inspired by my own life... and, well, I can tell you that it was tough to write, too.

That's also why I wanted to apologize for some passages, because they contain some themes that could shock or hurt the sensitivity of some of you, such as depression, bullying, despair, suicidal thoughts... If you feel bad while reading, please, don't continue, I don't want you to be ill-at-ease because of me! I am aware of the seriousness of depression, because I went through several ones, and I wrote the story knowingly. And if you're in a similar case, please, don't be afraid to call for help... talk with someone you trust, but don't stay silent, it could get worse... You're not alone, and there'll always be someone to help you. My goal, when I wrote the story, was to prove that even if you have suffered, you can bounce back, and find people to protect you...

I also choose Chara in my story because I love this character really much. At first I misunderstood and feared her, but then, I progressively changed my mind about her. I have done some dreams about her, also, and... she acted very kindly to me. I could talk about it during hours, as some dreams were kinda complex to explain. But, in a nutshell, in my dreams, Chara has always been a protective figure, saving my life or healing my wounds. You're not obliged to believe me, but well, I had the impression to reconciliate with myself, thanks to these dreams with Chara. So... well, that's also since this moment that I truly understood Chara, and that I have decided to use the same name as her in my nickname. "EvaChara" stands for "Evanescent Character", which reflects not so bad what I am. (and well, Eva is not my real first name!) Also, "Chara" is a reassuring name, because it is also everyone, and no one in same time. There are plenty different Charas in this world, and well... i'm only one of them ^^

So well, I think I'm done with this introduction, now. Enjoy reading, ask me any question you want, and hope you'll like what I've done with Chara's story! 

Don't forget that you deserve kindness and mercy, and, as Sans said in Undertale... "Take care of yourself... 'cause someone really cares about you."


- EvaChara

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