Chapter 1

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Chapter 1

Rk900 is the most advanced android that has been created by Cyberlife. He was originally built to kill and destroy, to replace Connor and stop the revolution, however before they could send him out the devints have already changed the public opinion to be on their side. The deviants were peaceful; they stood their ground and showed people that they were in fact alive. After a month or so androids had rights though some still didn't want to see that they were people, Gavin Reed who was a detective at the dpd was one of those people or at least at the beginning, till something changed. Cyberlife wanted something to do with their latest model that they had worked so hard on so they sent him to the detroit police department to be a detective like Connor and that's where we are now.

Gaivn had just got out of bed and was about 30 minutes late. He showered and fed his cats he was almost an hour late now. He snoozed his alarm seven too many times. His only thought as he got in his car was that Captain Fowler was going to chew him out. The only reason he kept the job is cause he was quite good at it and they were running low on staff. He started his car and drove while listening to some Cavetown which he listened to a lot when he was a teen, the song was Fool. He sang along quietly as he drove, while he was stopped at a stoplight near the station he put on tin pan boy by yungblud he couldn't have people seeing him listening to Cavetown so blasted Tin pan boy screamed along which was quite a contrast. He parked his car and turned off his music and got out. His car was newer but looks like an old model as he liked how the old cars looked, it still would turn on auto drive if Gavin were to pass out or was driving recklessly as that was required by law but most of the time he drove it himself.

He walked into the station and checked in, once he was done he walked straight into the break room to get a coffee. He stood there waiting for it to be done and he saw Tina and walked over to her.

"Hey Tina '' Gavin said, still quite tired as he did not sleep well last night partly due to his cat and the neighbors.

"Jesus Gavin you look like you didn't sleep at all" she stated as she sat down.

"Jesus, I feel like I didn't sleep. The neighbors decided to have a party on a monday! Who the phck partys on a Monday, at home, with other people?!!" he said, moving his hands as he spoke he picked that habit up from one of his friends in his youth.

The coffee maker dinged and he walked over to it grabbing the pot and pouring himself a cup, he added creamer and 2 sugars and set off on his way to his desk. Well he was till Fowler spotted him and told him to get the fuck into his office.

Gavin rolled his eyes but went in anyway slamming the door shut not loud enough to get yelled at but enough to get it out of his system.

Fowler signaled for him to sit down so he did, that's when Gavin noticed it. It was an android. He looked like Connor but different; he had a slightly more defined jawline; he was taller than Connor and a bit more built; it was clear he was created to kill. He wore a neutral expression and he stood with posture straight and perfect with his hands behind his back. He had dark coffee brown hair like Connor but he looked way more serious than him.

Rk900 himself had just deviated, Cyberlife had very recently taken him to Markus to deviate him feeling it would be better. However they had added upgrades and a bit of reprogramming to make him more human so he could better work with people, he could sleep, eat, drink, ect. He didn't need to do any of it though but it was so he could appear more human so hopefully he could be more compatible with them.

He was not used to this deviant stuff though it confused him so he tried to keep up the emotionless facade and he didn't quite know how this human felt about android and deviants though it doesn't appear like he could do too much damage.

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