Chapter 14

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A couple of days later I was laughing my butt off on the uni tennis courts, with Drake glaring moodily up at me from the other side. 

I couldn't help the amusement. We'd just played a point where I'd made him run to the front to get a drop shot, then I'd lobbed him, and as he ran backwards he ended up falling on his ass. 

I should've showed a slight bit of concern but it was just too funny, especially when he looked so confused after he'd landed on the ground, like he didn't know what was going on or where he was. The bewildered expression left quickly when he watched me cackle loudly from the other side at his predicament, and after a few moments of glaring he got up. 

"You know most good sportsman help their opponent up, not laugh at their bruised butt cheeks," Drake said moodily as we went to pack up our stuff at the benches, the point before happening to be the last one. 

I chuckled again. "Sorry." 

"That doesn't sound very genuine." 

"It isn't." He scowled at me. "Okay, okay, I'm sorry but it was hilarious, you've got to admit that. Anyway on the bright side we played a great game today." 

I'd won but only just. Drake was a pretty impressive competitor and I was glad I'd found someone to play a good game with. 

He grinned. "Yeah it was. Even though I lost I made you work for it." 

I smiled. The last couple of days had been really good. I think Logan must've said something to the group about what had happened because they were subtly trying to make me laugh more than usual, and I was okay with that. In fact I was glad for it. I was dealing with being cheated on so much better with my new friends around me. 

"So is there any news on the Molly situation?" I asked, wiggling my eyebrows at him as we walked into town to meet Logan for lunch. 

He let out a groan. "I hate how you managed to figure it out. You're the only one you know." 

I tried not to look too pleased with myself. 

"We both have second period free tomorrow so I was thinking about asking her to lunch then, but I don't really want to do it in front of everyone. They'll probably invite themselves along too." 

"Hmm," I nodded, contemplating for a few moments before an idea came to me. "Well Molly always complains about her allergy to peanuts. So why don't I take whoever's free to Five Guys and then you can go with her and make your move?" 

He thought about it for a minute and at the end he smiled widely. "Yeah, that's an awesome plan Jack! Cheers." 

"You're welcome." 

When we reached Selma's, a cute cafe which served awesome sandwiches, Logan was already waiting for us. We got food and found a few comfy sofas tucked away in the corner of the room, which I found myself flopping into after the physically tiring match I'd just played. 

"Why are you so sleepy Jack?" Logan asked me with a suspiciously goading tone. "Another late night with Vic?"  

I rolled my eyes as Drake choked on his drink in surprise. "What? How did this happen? Did you guys hook up?" 

"No!" It was my turn to groan as I sent a smug Logan a dirty look. "A couple of nights back we just hung out for a bit." 

"He got back at three in the morning," Logan decided to add in, making the situation sound even worse.  

Drake gave me a cheeky look. "Oh really Jack? So are you telling me you spent the whole time just talking?" 

"I mean..." Damn I wasn't particularly the best liar, so I would just tell a half truth instead. "Mostly." 

They both started laughing at my answer and I couldn't help but cringe at myself. Why did I always make things sound dodgy? 

Logan managed to calm himself first to a conversational tone. "Just tell us what happened. Its not like anyone is gonna hear us this place is empty." 

I groaned. "Urgh...fine. We didn't sleep together or anything we did just genuinely hang out, but we also made out a few times. And that's it I swear." 



They grinned at each other. 

"I'm impressed you're such a gentleman Jack," Logan started, still looking amused. "The way you look at her makes me think you've done way more than kiss. But I'll give you the benefit of the doubt." 

"Thanks," I said sourly. 

"When are you next gonna see her?" 

I shrugged. "She's invited me to this party on Friday. I'm not sure if I'm gonna go because it sounds awful but then I don't wanna disappoint her either." 

Drake laughed. "Why does it sound so bad?"  

"I's meant to be at the house she has with Josie and Danielle and they just sound like the kind of people who will be a pain to deal with." I chuckled at myself. "It does sound pretty judgemental so I might just bite the bullet and go, but yeah I'm not looking forward to it." 

"Yeah but you'll get to see your beloved." 

I smacked Logan on the head. "Shut it. She's not my beloved, we're just friends at the moment." 

"Friends who kiss?" 

"Yeah...I mean...shut up!" 

They both started laughing at me again and I groaned, wanting the ground to swallow me whole. I really didn't want my friends to know how interested I actually was in Vic but it seemed like it was too late. I was now gonna have to endure teasing for the next few months probably, which was just brilliant. 

Urgh why couldn't I just be a better liar? 

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