Chapter 17

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Turns out she did get me back. The kissing at the beach after the party had been three weeks ago, and I hadn't seen her since. She'd just disappeared. 

At first I didn't think anything of it. Vic was a free spirit, someone who went anywhere, did anything with whoever, without having to think about any consequences. It was something I truly admired about her. 

But then the week where I got nothing turned into two and I became a bit anxious. It wasn't like her to vanish like this, or maybe it was and I just didn't know her well enough yet. I sent her a text asking if everything was okay. 

She replied pretty quickly, actually. It was a surprise. I would've thought she wouldn't be on her phone. The response was a simple, blunt, I'm fine, and that was it. I mean at least it helped to relieve my worry over her but it also annoyed the hell out of me. I knew we weren't official but did I really mean that little to her that she could just disappear for three weeks, not even thinking about me once? Or just enough to send me a blunt text? 

I felt discarded. For all I knew she'd probably found someone new. So much for making me feel important to her. 

To make matters worse, Drake had finally got the courage to ask Molly out and they had started dating. I was really happy for them, of course I was. I was the one who prompted him to get his act together, and I was glad he actually went through with it. 

But since whatever was going on with Vic was seemingly coming to a end, it didn't help to soothe the rejection. Every time I saw them coupled up together I couldn't help but feel jealous, wondering why that wasn't me and Vic, wondering what I'd done to screw it up. I thought it had been going so well. I just didn't understand. 

For the third week I'd felt down about the situation, but I was starting to get bored of it all. It's not like I was heartbroken or anything: I'd only known the girl for a short time. Yeah she was cool and all that but if she was gonna ditch me then why should I stick around for her? 

I didn't need her. Dammit I wanted her, but I could still have a good time here. I had a great group of friends and being with her caused me unnecessary drama anyway. Maybe her ditching me was a good thing. 

That's what I was trying to convince myself anyway. 

I was making it my job to show my friends that I wasn't bothered by Vic's departure, not wanting to seem like a moody Matt or a moaning Martha. They'd already seen me sad from Anna's actions and I didn't want to be known as a downer. 

But it wasn't easy. We'd all become surprisingly close in the short time we'd known each other, and hiding things had become difficult. Especially with Logan and Drake. We spent a hell of a lot of time together and when one of us wasn't a hundred percent, it was pretty obvious. And sure enough they both realised something was up. 

"I swear I'm not bothered," I said to them both as we drank a second round of beers, sitting around our living room. I vaguely heard a creek from the mysterious third flat mate and wondered if perhaps we would finally get a peak at them, but I highly doubted it. They still hadn't made an appearance so far and I was beginning to think it must've been a trick of the wind or something. 

Logan raised his eyebrows at me. "Are you sure? You seemed pretty interested in her and now she's just vanished. If I was in your place I'd be annoyed." 

"I am annoyed," I admitted, taking a big swig of beer. "But what am I supposed to do about it?" 

"Call her out on it." 

I turned to Drake and sighed, shaking my head. "That's not Vic's style. I'm sure if I phoned her up and had a go at her she'd just ignore me, with better stuff to do. She's probably found a new guy and has forgotten about me. I mean her reputation speaks for itself; that's what everyone told me would happen." I scowled bitterly. "Although she made it seem like I was different." 

A knocking sound came from the front door. Logan stood up. "I'll get it." 

"I don't know her enough to comment." Drake shrugged, looking contemplative. "But maybe if this is her true self then you got out at a good time." 

I nodded. That was exactly what I was starting to think. 

Logan walked back in looking serious and slightly irritated. "Jack there's someone here to see you." I nodded at him and gestured for the person to come in.

And I almost spat out my drink as none other than the girl who was causing me so much hassle walked into the flat. I couldn't believe my eyes. 

Vic was actually here. 

She looked gorgeous but classy, wearing a white jumper and a black skirt with her dark hair done up Audrey Hepburn style. But I couldn't even really take in how beautiful she was. All I could do was stare at her, absolutely shocked. 

"Hey," she said in that delicate but confident voice of hers, with a big smile on her face that was completely incongruous with the conflicting emotions starting to stir within me. She seemed to have no idea whatsoever of the atmosphere she'd just walked into. 

I stared at her for another few moments. Why the hell was she here? I thought she was done with me. The shock from before disappeared and the anger I'd been repressing suddenly shot up into my system, making me clench my jaw and grit my teeth to try and keep it at bay. I was so pissed at her. And here she was, just like nothing had happened. 

I found my voice and it was cold and steely when I spoke. "What are you doing here?" 

It was her turn to stare now. Her smile slipped and her stare become cautious, as she took note of my rigid body language and anger. Was she really that dense to be surprised? 

"I came here to see you," she said with a small frown, looking affronted but also nervous. I knew I could be pretty intimidating when I was mad: the menacing glare was something that ran in my family, my father being the best at it. 

"Why don't we leave you here to talk?" Drake looked anxious too, wanting to diffuse the situation. 

I shook my head. "No it's fine. We can go for a walk." 

"Well I was thinking..." Her voice trailed off for a moment as she gulped at the look I was giving her. "We could go for a drive." 

I shrugged brusquely. "Whatever. I don't really care." 

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