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until he looked up and saw a girl...

? : hey are you okay?

jimin : n-no!!

he said shaking vigorously.

She bent down and took his face in her hands, wiping his tears.

? : look at me. Its going to be alright okay? Im right here and Im not leaving.

jimin : w-who are you?!

? : that doesn't matter right now.

she pulled him into her embrace.

Jimin's POV :

She's beautiful.. her voice is angelic. I don't even know who she is. Is she an angel..? Im hallucinating aren't I? (He intertwined his right hand with her hand.) she's real..

Author's POV :

Jimin was slowly starting to melt into her touch as he calmed down. His breathe started to ease.. and his shaking toned down. Why'd he feel so calm in the arms of a person he didn't even know? Well.. thats the question he was asking himself too. The sound of her heart echoed through his ears, the feeling of one of her hands running through his hair and the other intertwined with his.. made him want to stay that way forever. Oh how he wished he could. She noticed that he'd calmed down, she pulled away and just locked both of her hands in his.

? : are you okay now..?

jimin : y-yea thank you..

? : anytime.. whats your name?

jimin : oh.. um park jimin.. whats yours?

wow.. i didn't even stutter.

? : Im y/n. But you can call me.. mm.. whatever you want I guess!!

she smiled.

Her smile.. its.. mesmerizing. Its as if i've seen the sun up close.. its so bright.

jimin : im sorry f-for making a scene..

he said as he rubbed the back of his neck.

y/n : Its alright.

she said as she sat down next to him, placing her skateboard on the ground.

Jimin looked down at her hand which was still in his. She tightened her grip on his hand, which confused him. He then looked up at her as he saw tears in her eyes.

jimin : o-oh no! A-are you okay?

y/n : y-yea.. you just remind me of someone. Thats not important right now.

jimin : no I insist! Please tell me!!

y/n : you remind me of my little brother.. he had social anxiety too.. until.. he had enough and hung himself. I remember walking into his room and seeing his lifeless body hanging from his cabinet.. he was only 13..

she said; not realizing the river of tears falling from her eyes.

jimin : h-how'd you kn-know that I h-have social a-anxiety..

y/n : y-your panic attack was way more intense than a normal one.

she said as she wiped her tears.


y/n's phone was going ringing

y/n : hey mom.

mom : dinners ready! When are you coming home! Actually, can you come home now. The food that I made today isn't good if it gets cold!!

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