11 - Transference

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Today's my birthday and something's definitely wrong.

For once, it wasn't Jeongyeon that I'm worried about. It's Sana.

The girls safely arrived at my cabin using Momo's Jeep and I was relieved to see Jeongyeon with them. My friends immediately greeted me as they engulf me in a group hug before showing me each of their wrapped gifts to be opened late tonight. Jeongyeon surprisingly got along with them well, the quiet Tzuyu and Dahyun seem to enjoy talking to her with Jihyo hovering over them like a mother hen. Then there's Momo and Sana, the former is like a lovesick puppy as she stuck close to Tzuyu, while Sana is uncharacteristically quiet and away from Dahyun.

That is definitely not right.

Normally at a gathering like this, Sana's the life of the party with her loud presence and flirty tactics. Nothing of that is happening now, which made me concerned for my friend. Seeing Sana step into the kitchen carrying some drinks, I glanced at Jeongyeon to see her comfortably talking with the rest of the girls before my eyes met Momo's, she tilted her head towards the kitchen where Sana is and I took that opportunity to slip away and follow our friend. I saw her casually arranging the drinks on the refrigerator like any other person, but Sana isn't like anyone.

"You okay?" Sana jumped at the sound of my voice and she almost dropping a bottle.

"Jesus, Nayeon!" Sana turned to face me with a glare, "You know perfectly well it's not a good thing to scare me."

My lips lift up to a smile at that, "Sorry, I just want to check on you."

A faux smile appeared on Sana's face, "Checking me out now, are we?" She wiggled her eyebrows teasingly, "Are you finally falling for me, Nayeonnie?"

There it is, flirting isn't just Sana's hobby, it's also her impeccable defence mechanism, and she's using it at me of all people.

I scoffed at her, "Please, you have to do better than that to make me fall for you," Sana laughed and my smile widened when I see it's genuine now.

I stepped closer to her before asking, "Will you tell me what's wrong?"

Sana's shoulder slumped down as she sighed, "It's Dahyun," I saw her eyes watering a little bit, "I think... I just got rejected for the first time in my life."

My eyes widened at what I'm hearing, "What?"

Sana closed the distance of our bodies as she laid her head on my shoulder, "Exactly what I'm telling you," She murmured and because of our close proximity, I can just hear her subtle sniffing, "She just doesn't like me like that."

I didn't know she was serious with Dahyun, I just thought Sana like riling up the younger girl. I even thought Sana just likes the thrill and challenge of the religious Kim Dahyun. I never thought of the day that my flirty friend would finally be serious about anyone.

I wrapped my left arm around her waist while my right hand cradle the back of Sana's head, wishing I was able to comfort my friend even with this, "You can tell what happened if you want to."

Sana's arms circled around me to bring our bodies closer, "Apparently she's dating Hanbin, that cool, funny guy who's the leader of the band, IKON."

Kim Hanbin, he's one of the coolest guys in school, I had shared a few classes with him and he's one of the people that I actually liked to be around with. He's a gifted singer-songwriter, great at piano, and he's band is already well-known thanks to his great contributions. Hanbin's a very sociable person with a kind soul, he's practically the male version of Sana, except, the guy is a nervous wreck around women, it's simply adorable and If he's dating Dahyun then it was courageous of him. No wonder Dahyun liked someone like him.

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