Chapter 10

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This stupid test lady graded my stuff five times and thinks I cheated. How did I cheat when y'all took my phone.

I'm about to cuss this lady out. "How are you thirteen ready to go into the ninth grade?" I rub my temples. "I'm turning 14 in August and I'm smart can you stop questioning me?"

She shifts in her desk and approves my paperwork. Finally.

I walk out going to Marisol. Can we leave now? "What's wrong?" I shake my head. "Well I'm going to ninth grade and she thinks I cheated but other than that I'm good"

Marisol hugs me tightly kissing my head. "I'm so proud of you!" I hug back smiling. "Thanks mom-um-" She hushes me kissing my head.

"I'm so overjoyed" I smile again walking out with her. "You want to go out to eat?" I nod fast.

Of course I do, I'm always hungry. "So how's Lorenzo?" I look at her and look back out the window. "You know he has a kid?"

Marisol looks back at me and keeps driving. "Is that so?" I nod retying my shoes. "Does he take care of the baby"

Dang she played Zo like he a dead beat. I laugh "he takes care of his girlfriend and their daughter"

She smiles. "How long have they been together?" "Um since seventh grade" she smiles again. Okay Marisol you smiling too much dude.

I look at her from the side and notice she drove us to Applebee's. Lovely.


Maybe I'm a jinx or something because they gave us bad service and the manager ended up coming out and giving us free food.

That's a good thing, free food! Marisol is now ordering clothes for me online and making me leave the house again.

Instead of being with Lorenzo I'm gonna hang out with Carmelo, weird.

But she wants me to have different experiences and friends. When I get to school maybe I'll be more open to it.

She drops me off at his house, I shiver looking at her. "Marisol-" She hushes me. "You two can be friends kiddo it doesn't have to be that you like him"

I nod kissing her cheek, running out. The door swings open and he stands there in shorts, no shirt just looking like he was waiting.

I wave to Marisol and walk inside. Why am I so nervous? "Are you gay?" I blink and stare at him. If anything I want more food.

He looks at me and waits for my answer. "um-I don't know what I am" Carmelo smiles and nods.

Why everyone smile so much, that's weird. Y'all need to at least have a straight face or something.

Carmelo sits next to me and rubs my hand. The hairs on my arms stick up and I feel warm. Good warm not bad warm.

"Do you like your new mom?" I blink twice and nod. "I actually love her, I didn't think I was going to"

He looks confused "why is that?" I shift and look at his face better. "That's a long story I haven't told a lot"

Melo checks his phone. "Well I'd say we have time" I smile. Nobody my age- except Delilah and Lorenzo. Cared enough to know.

"Well it started when I was three"



He sniffs looking embarrassed. "I'm, shocked, but I'm happy you trusted me enough to tell me" he nods rubbing his neck.

"Maybe I should go?" He stands up grabbing his phone. "Wait no you're fine, it's only 2 o clock" I sit him down holding his thigh.

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