~The Other Magic Kids.

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As early as possible, Nory, Reina and her parents and Nory's dad were already at the meeting place with their luggage and bags and everything they were told to bring for the first semester.

A lot of parents and normal looking kids and teenagers were waiting as well at the edge of the road surrounded with bushes at both sides. There were a whole lot of kids who are supposedly able to do magic with a lot of different hair colours, some with glasses, braces, different clothes and bags, all waiting.

An old rusty signboard that had sage written with bold letters was just at the edge.

Some of the kids were playing and practicing their different forms of magic to cut the wait while others just stood there conversing with their parents.

A black haired tall girl who one would assume to be an asian dropped her bags on the bare floor and levelled her self off the ground, flying up slowly. Her dad looked up at her and motioned for her to go back down and behave. She nodded and landed back on the ground.
Flyers are so cool!!!!

One of the shorter boys also separates himself from others and goes farther into the bush and started practicing his own magic. He just holds out his hands and stones made their way into them. He'd flick them back and other stones will come as well. It took his mum's warning to stop him and bring him back to where the crowd was waiting.

As you would expect, Nory is super excited, jumpy, and chatty like the talkative she always is. But when the wait was getting too long, she started getting nervous.

"Dad, are you sure we're in the right place?" She asks as she looks around. "Is there supposed to be a bus or something?"

"This is where they told us to go", her dad nodded and joined her in looking around. "Are you okay",he raised an eyebrow.

"Well, I----i might be a little nervous", she shrugged with a nervous smile.

"That's only normal, your mum said she was nervous too", he reassures her with a smile.

"She was? But she was so good at magic", Nory asks, with curious eyes.

"Of course she was, new things are scary". "But you know what? You're gonna be okay", he leaned close to her and smiled.

"And you know what? I'm gonna be okay too", she laughs and buckles her bag.

"And you know what else?", He winked and looked all around him before whisper shouting, "you're going to magic school.

"I'm going to magic school", Nory shrieks, laughs and hugs him tightly and then pulls away sharply when everyone hears the bush behind them crackling and and crows cawing.

Everyone standing there, turns around and panics, parents holding their kids tight and everyone studying the occurrences keenly, they were all thrown into bewilderment.

"What's happening?", Reina asks, holding Nory's hands tightly, her eyes glittering with imminent fear.

"Something amazing and magically awesome", said an excited Nory.

And then out of the thick bushes came a rough looking man, with a beard that needs shaving and salt and pepper hair sticking in different directions. He looked old, even though he seemed young.

"Hey, Come on let's go", he shouted, "the school wouldn't come to you, you know?. "Bye bye parents, see you at Thanksgiving", he waved.

"Adios! Sayonora! Au revoir! Catch you later! Ciao!
TTYL! Bye!",he chanted charismatically and continued waving while all the folks hugged one another and said their goodbyes and the kids grabbed their luggages.

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