Chapter-2 [ Continued ]

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Your next member is....

The second door opened and Hoseok with a suitcase arrived

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The second door opened and Hoseok with a suitcase arrived.

He bowed and said, "He is dead"

The boss asked Hoseok to do the same as Jin did.

Hoseok's flashback

Hoseok, as a café's staff, working on the cash counter.

(He was wearing a mask and his face was barely visible, as he was also wearing the cafe cap too)

A business man, with a brown-red suitcase ordered a latté and sat on the last seat of the café.

Hoseok, with killer stare, went to the business man with water, and purposely spilled the water on that man's suit.

Hoseok bowed and apologised but that man, was very frustrated, he got out of the café but left the suitcase inside only.

Seeking the moment, Hoseok, shot the man, when he went outside and was about to sit in his car.

Hoseok then put his gun back, and then put that dead body in the trunk of the car and with the suitcase went inside the car.

And then with high speed, he went to the nearby lake and dumped the dead body in that lake.

And then straight away went to the secret base.

back to reality

Jin had already worked as a duo with Hoseok so he know what is his strategy and his abilities.
Jin then told further information about Hoseok to Jungkook.

The boss then continued to tell the next member of the mission.

He came from the third door and brought the clear bag, full of jewellery

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He came from the third door and brought the clear bag, full of jewellery.

Boss turned to Jungkook and said "I guess you already know about him...but see what he was assigned to"

Jimin's flashback

Jimin, working as a new employee in the jewellery store.
A woman came to buy a diamond ring.

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