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All of them like the name and were curious to go on the mission together.

But then, Hoseok said,"But, where we all are going to live? Will we be living together??"

Boss smirked and said,"Come with me"

Everyone else followed the boss.

They all followed the boss to the central camera room.

Where all the security system was there.

The boss called Jin forward and said,"Take these keys, and go to the car waiting near the back door, the person will leave you to your new destination"

Jin bowed and then all of them went to the back door of the base.

Where there was a black car.

They all sat inside it and the security man left them to the house where they will live.

Jin opened the door.

And all of them reached inside.

The most shocking thing was that, as soon as the door opened, they could all see their brief case and suitcases with clothes and other belongings.

They were all surprised, bust since everything was planned by Boss so they can't question it.

Then they all went inside the house where they found, 7 room, with their names on the second floor of the house.

They all went inside of their room and found out that it was their own bedroom.

After observing their house, RM made everyone sit down in the living room.

"Guys, there are many things that should be planned out before your mission is revealed"

Everyone nodded in sync.

Then Yoongi said,"Since I already been in a group before, the first thing is that, we should select our second names too, as it may help in disguise in future"

RM said yes

Everyone else went silent.

They were in deep thought of having a second name.

Then Hoseok stood up and said, "We will arrange it later, but first we should select a leader first to manage us"

Jin then with confidence said, "Since I'm the oldest, I should be the leader"

Other members were not in agreement of it.

Then Jimin said,"The one who is more experience matters and not the age"

Then Taehyung said,"Yeah, I guess since Namjoon is the mastermind of all the mission, I guess he should be the leader as he will guide us more specifically"

Then Namjoon coughed.

Everyone looked at him.

Then Namjoon said, "Ah...Taehyung...I should be called as Namjoon-hyung and not by my name..I'm older than you"

Taehyung apologised and then Jungkook said,"Wait wait! Then you all are my hyungs!? Should I call you all hyungs!?"

Everyone then started to ponder on it.

Yoongi said,"Yeah absolutely."

Hoseok said, "It doesnt matter."

Some was saiying yes and some were saying no...

But at last, Namjoon said that it should depend on each person as if he want to say or not.

Then Hoseok said,"Since, Namjoon resolved this problem..then I guess he will resolve our problems in future too..Why dont you become our leader Namjoon?"

Everyone were screaming in agreement.

Namjoon, calming everyone down said,"Ok ok, dont scream"

Then everyone sat on their places.

Then Jin said,"OH NO!!..wait for me!!!!"

He ran towards the kitchen in a hurry.

Everyone were confused then Jin came back after a minute or so, relieved and sat again and said,

"Yah yah continue"

Suga said,"Where did you even go?"

Jin then said,"Aish, I put water to boil for the ramen and I forgot to close the stove gas"

Suga facepalmed and said,"Oh Jin hyung..."

Everyone laughed.

Then Namjoon said,
"We will get the mission in a hour or so, you all can go and relax till then, and then we will decide accordingly"

Jin, cooked ramen for all of the members.

Jimin, doing first aid of Taehyung's arm, which got shot.

Hoseok telling about various incidents to Jungkook while on a mission in a group.

Yoongi peacefully on his phone.

And Namjoon, doing some research on his laptop.

After a while or so,Jin called everyone else to the table.

Everyone came.

But Namjoon was still busy on his laptop in living room.

Jin came to Namjoon in anger and said,"Yah! Come to the table and eat!"

Namjoon just hummingly said yes but was still on the laptop.

Jin, who was looking like a volcano,
took the laptop just like it has no weight and is useless.

Namjoon was scared that if the laptop broke, Boss will break him.

He was like,"Sorry hyung! Yah give it back. Sorry!!!"

Jin, who was not listening to Namjoon, threw that laptop on the couch nearby.

And said,"COME. NOW."

Namjoon was relieved that at least the laptop is safe.

He then too came to the table and ate the food with the others.

After eating, Jin was washing all the dishes and the maknae's were playing.

While Namjoon was on the laptop doing his work, Yoongi on his phone and Hoseok telling Maknaes not to run too fast otherwise they might get hurt.

*Weo Weo* (alarm sound)

"Be ready guys, mission assigned"

        <chapter ends here>

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