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RM got a presentation on his laptop.

He received the mail from the boss..

He said, "Guys...mission assigned"

Everyone nodded and with a pen and paper, they all sat on the couch.

Jimin and Taehyung first closed all the curtains and the windows and made the room whole dark.

Then, RM opened the projector where he attached the pendrive in which he copied the mission.

The then took a quick attendance of his members.

And then started.

He said,

"In this world, there are many unique paintings, and there are many secrets in those paintings. But sometimes the secret can be behind the painting...."

He moved on to the other slide where he showed 5 paintings.

He moved on to the other slide where he showed 5 paintings

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                   Mona Lisa

               Starry Nights

      Girl with a pearl earring

    The Fall of the Rebel Angels

Everyone of them made the note of these paintings.

RM continued,"These paintings are unique, realistic and are true masterpieces but what if a secret is *behind* them? Any guesses?"

Jungkook thoughtfully raised his hand.

RM noticed it and called out Jungkook.

Jungkook, confused, said, "Umm..hyung...I are putting your focus on guess there is a big secret behind it"

RM clapped for him.

And said,"Nice Jungkook! Yes there is something behind each painting"

RM continued,"Salvator, the most expensive painting sold in this world, it sold in an auction for about $450 million"

Everyone was shocked.

Jhope then said,"Really? 450 million dollars??"

RM nodded

He said,"So..the mission assigned to us is...these 5 paintings, are transferring to South Korea's new biggest art museum for the grand will stay there for about one - two weeks"

Then Yoongi interrupted RM, saying
"So you want us to steal those 5 paintings??"

RM then said"Umm no...What I'm saying will better understand if you see this-"

He then moved to the next slide and played the video attached.

<Video, Made by the Secret Camera showing 9 men, with tons of gold bricks, breaking them in small pieces, melting it and painting them in about 6 to 7 layers behind those 5 paintings and putting them in truck>

Everyone were watching it very carefully.

RM said,"So, those 5 paintings are considered to be these 5 paintings that are coming to Korea, and we are supposed to take those gold layers out carefully without letting anyone know. We have to clear this mission before those painting go back to their original places."

Then V, with a confused tone said,
"Are we just stealing *some* gold??"

RM smiled and said,"Not only gold, but do you see the pearl earring? It contains real diamond attached to it, and you see the yellow background of Mona Lisa, it's too is covered in Gold layers. We have to find such things before letting those painting go back on the walls of museum. Ok? Any more doubts??"

Jimin raised his hand,"Umm Hyung..but those people you put that gold layers are our enemies or something??"

RM said"Huh? Oh those..sorry but I cant tell you junior. It's a secret"

Jimin, with a sad face put his hand down.

Then Jin said,"Hey, I guess since those paintings will be here for one – two weeks, when are they coming to Korea??"

RM said," soon as I get that information. I'll tell all of you"

Then Jungkook said,"But what if we are unable to get those gold and diamonds out in time and they are back to their places?"

RM said,"Then we have to go to different countries and do the task"

Everyone were serious.

Then RM said,"I guess every doubts are clear...any information I will get, I will let you know"

Everyone of them bowed and went to their own work.

Will they be able to do their mission on time?

Or they have to face many challenges in between??

What is that secret that only RM and Boss knows???

To know all of this, read the further part of the story

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 16, 2020 ⏰

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