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The rain pelted against the windows, and the headmaster's office was lit only by candles

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The rain pelted against the windows, and the headmaster's office was lit only by candles. It was already late at night, but the headmaster's goddaughter could not find peace and waited eagerly for her godparent to return.

It had been 3 months since Voldemord had been back, and since then everything had changed.
The summer had been hard for Saphira, she had spent the whole two months almost alone at Hogwarts, as her godfather Albus had been  busy and had distanced himself from her. 
Of course the young witch was aware that there was always a reason for his actions and behaviour. But this did not make the situation any better. Hogwarts was her home, but deep inside, something was missing.

The young witch snorted impatiently, and sat on the stairs that divided the office into two areas.
In her hands two green flames were dancing, which she obviously never showed. But Saphira was angry, hurt and felt left alone.
She knew that Albus had enough to do, especially now that the Ministry had sent this horrible woman to Hogwarts. But was it too much to ask to take a few minutes for his goddaughter? After all, tomorrow was the first day of school and Saphira had so many things on her mind.
How her future would go on was just one of the many questions that had been robbing her sleep for weeks.
Although she was grateful to Albus that she had not ended up in a Muggle orphanage, she longed for her mother. For 6 years she had been teached by her father, and until today he still did not know. At least that's what Saphira believed.

All she wanted was to finally be able to tell the truth. There was hardly a night when she did not dream about her mother or father.
The witch felt how bitter the summer had made her, and buried her hands in her black hair.
No matter how many times she tried to close her mind, the image of her mother and Lucius Malfoy that she had seen in the Daily Prophet at the beginning of the summer holidays kept appearing.

Saphira heard 2 voices and looked eagerly at the door, with hope Albus finally had time for her.
When the door opened, the headmaster entered his office accompanied by Snape. 
A strange feeling to be facing your father and yet not being able to say anything.
"Saphira dear, what are you doing here?"
The witch's dark eyes flitted from Albus to Snape and she didn't know what to say. Wasn't it obvious, then?
"Well, I haven't seen you for a week and I thought we had things to discuss before the school year starts."

Snape stared questioningly at Saphira for a moment, and a strange feeling crept over the witch's back.
"Saphira, I have important things to discuss with Professor Snape now, and it is quite late. You should go to your rooms," was all Albus had to say, and passed her without looking at the witch.
There was nothing more hurtful to the 17-year-old than being rejected. But she was in Slytherin for a reason. So she stood up proudly as she was, and left the headmaster's office without another word. Of course not without slamming the door loudly behind her.

Severus calm as he was, although it looked quite different inside, approached the headmaster's desk and began to speak.
"Albus, don't you think it would be wise to enlighten her about this?"
Surprised, the headmaster raised an eyebrow and tried to understand what his old friend wanted to tell him.
"She will never speak another word with me. Besides, you know as well as I do that no one can know who she is. Too much depends on it, Severus."
The Potions Master was not exactly pleased with what he'd heard but he didn't know how to handle the situation. For a year he knew that the best student in the school, the girl in his house, was his daughter. A fact which had torn the ground from under his feet.
And to this day, the potion professor didn't know how to cope with it. His memories of his father were too vivid, and he was determined not to make the same mistakes. Besides, Snape was convinced that the 17-year-old would surely wish for somebody different.
"But I think it won't be long before she contacts Narcissa herself. The Girl is impulsive, and she is 17 years old, no longer a child. 
We have to consider that she wants to know where she's coming from and why Narcissa gave her to you."
And with these words the potion teacher left his old friend alone with his thoughts.

The next evening came much faster than expected, and a tired Saphira sat like all the other students in the big hall and listened to the headmaster's speech. Like every year, the young witch sat among all the students, but kept to herself. The other students respected her, and some feared her.
When Umbridge dared to interrupt the headmaster, it became completely silent and everyone looked in shock at the old, bitter witch dressed all in pink. Oh how Saphira hated that color.

As soon as Umbridge started talking, the 17 year old knew she wouldn't get her rest this year.
She didn't care what the monster in pink had to say, and she looked at her father.
He was wearing his usual teacher's robe, and his face was cold as stone.

Something she admired about him. Then the witch's eyes glided to Draco Malfoy, her half-brother who was the complete image of his father.
Of course, the black-haired witch knew too well what reputation the Malfoy family had, but she always wondered what kind of person her mother was. And how would she react if she ever met her daughter.

Immersed in her thoughts, she had not noticed that the speech was already over and most of the students were already on their way to leave the Great Hall.
Immediately she looked ahead to see if her godfather was still there, but he had already left.
The feeling of disappointment came back and she stroked through her black hair, depressed, not to let anyone notice.

However, one person was still in his place and had fixed the young witch. Only when Saphira looked at Snape,  did he turn his gaze away and stand up himself.
Something told Saphira that Snape knew. 

Still lost in her thoughts, she roamed the corridors and tried to calm down.
When she entered her own private rooms, and her black cat Pepper greeted her with a purr, she was reminded that she was not alone after all.

But the witch's eyes fell immediately on the envelope that had been lying on her bed since last night.
Without thinking about the consequences, Saphira called for the house elf assigned to her and took the envelope into her tender hands.
Not a second later, there was a plop behind the slim witch and Pixy the house-elf looked at her mistress with big eyes. "Miss Saphira, you summoned me?"
"Pixy, you have to help me. It's very important that nobody else knows about your assignment, okay?"
Immediately the elf nodded eagerly, waiting for her assignment.

"You need to take this envelope to Narzissa Malfoy. Be sure she is alone when you give it to her. That' s absolutely necessary."
The voice of the 17-year-old had become softer as she spoke. But the elf understood immediately and disappeared.

At the same time at Malfoy Manor

Narzissa Malfoy sat in the library as she did every evening, with a glass of dragon wine and a book in front of the large fireplace, trying to put the day behind her.
But this evening was different than she had expected. It was not a minute ago that a house elf from Hogwarts had appeared before her, frightened her, and handed her an envelope with trembling hands. The elf had not said a word, but she didn't have to. The proud witch knew who had written the letter.

She had waited for 17 years to hear from Saphira, although she knew how dangerous it was. But every day had been a torment to keep this secret and not to be there for her daughter.
Excited and fearful at the same time, she opened the letter and stared at the few lines written in perfect handwriting.

"Dear Narcissa. Perhaps one day I will have the opportunity to get to know you. Every day I wonder if you think of me as often as I think of you. Or whether you have forgotten me already. Love, your daughter."

TAKE YOUR SOUL - Saphira Dumbledore (Black)Where stories live. Discover now