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Anger was all that the 17 year old witch felt. At herself, at her mother, her father and at Albus. She had rarely felt so abandoned.
How could Snape look at her for weeks without even the slightest suggestion?
Desperately, Saphira ran back and forth in her rooms and felt her hands begin to tremble. Her emotions became stronger than her will. Panting, she clenched her hands into fists and sobbed. She didn't know where to direct her magic and just closed her eyes and screamed out. For a second, time stopped in her rooms and Saphira blew up her little laboratory. She did not dare to open her eyes. She was too ashamed of her own power, so she just sank to the ground and cried.
When the sun came up the next morning, she was still sitting in the same place as in the evening and had not slept a minute. Her hair was messed up and her eyes were swollen. But after she had rattled up to take a shower, cast a few spells to tame her hair and make the dark circles disappear, she was ready to go into the big hall.
From the outside she seemed calm and rested but inside she was nervously exhausted.

She had a long day ahead of her, but she hoped for distraction.
Snape was not to be seen at breakfast, nor was Albus, and so she just dramatically rolled her eyes and drank her black tea while sitting next to the other Slytherin students. 

As every day, Saphira performed at her best and put her full concentration into her school work. During the day she managed to suppress all the things that haunted her at night. But even the strongest witch was only able to spend herself to a certain extent until she collapsed.
No one paid any attention to her, because she was a good actress, just like her father.
Until one night, just before Christmas, she could no longer control her power. Sweat dripped from her forehead and her skin felt like it was on fire. Her ears ached and her legs were shaky and could hardly carry her.
Panic overcame the girl and with her last strength she staggered to her godfather's office.

"Saphira what happened?"
She couldn't identify the voice, her vision was blurred and she had trouble breathing.
All she could sense were two rough hands resting against her cheeks and a dark voice murmuring a diagnostic spell.
"Albus her body is overloaded, the magic is too strong," she heard Snape say seriously. She clawed her tender hands into his upper arm to find a hold. "We don't have much time left Albus, only someone of the Black bloodline can separate her body from the magic. If we move too slowly, she will fall into a coma."
"Albus call Narcissa, immediately," yelled Severus, trying to keep his daughter conscious.

"Saphira you must remain conscious. Do you understand me?"
But the potion professor got no answer. The trembling of her body became stronger and stronger and Severus knew that she would float into the air at any moment. The magic in her body was trying to come out. Sapphire's body burned. Her eyes were watering and she felt something pulling her up, little by little. As if she were a ghost, she was now floating a meter above the floor in the middle of Dumbledore's office.

Desperately she tried to keep her eyes open, but she could not. Only when she felt the presence of another person, a woman, did the pain in her ears fade away.

Saphira floated in the air and was no longer responsive. Every minute that passed was precious time, but the parents and godfather were more than overwhelmed in this situation. The only one who could keep a clear head was Severus. He did not know where this fear suddenly came from and why he remained so calm all the same. He fixed Saphira with his eyes, briefly waved his wand and paralyzed her for a short moment.
"Severus," the voice that tore him from his thoughts was so quiet and fearful at the same time that he almost forgot that Narcissa was standing behind him.

Slowly he turned around and looked into the shocked eyes of his former affair. Which was the reason why he could call himself father at all. "Narcissa you are the only one who can separate her magic from her body. Because the blood of the Black family runs through your veins. You know what you must do."
The usually so self-confident and arrogant mother seemed completely lost in this moment. There were too many thoughts bothering her and to see her daughter for the first time under these circumstances made everything worse.
The witch took a step towards her daughter and simply started her. She had not wished this suffering for her Saphira. Her hands trembled slightly but as she clasped her black wand tightly, she calmed down and pointed it straight at her daughter's chest.
"Sanguis sanguinem!"

A powerful spell that, if cast by the wrong person, could make a lot worse. But Narcissa Malfoy had spoken the words at just the right moment and Saphira rose higher into the air and her head flew backwards.
It only took a few seconds and the 17 year old woke up gasping for air. She knew what to do. As if she was born with the instinct to save her life, she clenched her hands into fists and concentrated on the magic that was gathering in her fingers.

Severus stepped next to Narcissa to be able to catch his daughter in the worst case, but that was not necessary. As if hypnotized, 3 pairs of eyes stared at the 17 year old and waited for the explosion that would normally follow. But Saphira floated slowly to the ground and the moment her feet touched the ground she opened her fists and green flames burned on her palms. The young witch opened her eyes and revealed for the first time her poisonous green eyes which were very similar to a snake. 

Her eyes fixed those of her mother and the flames faded. The weight shifted from her delicate body and Saphira's feet weakened so that she fell to her knees.
No one dared to move into this moment. Everyone still expected a setback of magic but nothing happened. Saphira breathed heavily and felt the aftermath of the magic she had been accumulating for too long. Her forearms began to burn and she quickly pushed up the sleeves of the jacket she was wearing.

But before anyone could say anything, Dumbledore whispered "Obliviate".

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 07, 2020 ⏰

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