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 You wake up in bed after a morning of sleeping in. It's Sunday, and you don't particularly have any plans for the rest of the day. Yesterday, you had a job interview at the local Femboy Hooters. You don't know if you got the job yet, but there will be no hope in escaping your financial crisis if you don't get it.

You get out of bed and put on some clothes. The stuff you wear is mostly for girls, but you don't like wearing generic men's clothing. After eating a large breakfast, which was more of a lunch because you slept so late, your phone starts ringing. It's from the Femboy Hooters you had your interview at.

Here's the moment of truth. You answer the phone, and in your high pitched, girly voice, you nervously ask, "H-hello?"

"Heyyy~," says the girl on the other end. Well, it must be a boy since everyone that works there is a femboy. He simply sounds like a girl. "You got the job! Your first shift is tomorrow. Be there at nine."

Holy shit! You actually got the job! You almost jump up and do a little dance around the room, but you remember you're still on the phone. "O-okay! I'll be there."

You hang up, feeling very excited. You can actually start making money now. You spend the rest of the day playing video games. You're addicted to the new first-person shooter that recently came out.

That night, you go to sleep wondering how your first day at Femboy Hooters will unfold. 

You Get a Job at Femboy HootersWhere stories live. Discover now