Chapter Three

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 You wake up earlier than yesterday, so you're not in a total rush. There is time for you to eat breakfast, so you can actually work on a full stomach this time.

When you arrive at Femboy Hooters, it's eight forty-five. The only other person here is Luca, who was busy sweeping the floor until you showed up. He gives you a warm smile as you walk in.

"Good morning, Y/N," he says. "Did you sleep well?" You're about to answer him, but your boss suddenly walks in. She storms past both of you, and it seems like somethings troubling her.

"Hey, boss, is something wrong?" you ask. She stops walking toward her office and turns.

"Oh, I have a lot of meetings today, so don't bother me, 'kay?" She immediately starts walking toward her office again. You're still wondering why she was in such a hurry. You decide to help Luca with cleaning before the restaurant opens, and the rest of the femboys join you when they show up.

The rest of the day is similar to yesterday, but there aren't any hot guys you fall in love with this time. When the restaurant closes that night, you feel just as tired as you did yesterday. Sean asks you if you want to have a drink with him, and although you're exhausted, you accept.

You sit down at the bar; Luca is also sitting there, and Sean gives you a mug full of beer. You take a sip of your beer; it's strong for some reason. "Do either of you boys have a boyfriend or girlfriend?" Sean asks out of the blue.

Luca's cat tail droops. The answer is no for you, and it seems like Luca's answer is no also. "D-do you?" he asks Sean.

Sean looks down, sadness all over his face. "M-my girlfriend dumped me today. That's why I asked." You were wondering why Sean seemed a bit down today. His eyes start welling up with tears. "I don't even know where I went wrong. She just randomly got mad at me and said she didn't want to see me anymore."

You put your arm around him, trying to make him feel better. "It'll be alright," you say. "There are plenty of chicks out there. I bet the next girl will be even better than the last one." You don't have much experience with girls or boys, but you can still comfort Sean. He continues to cry on your shoulder.

"You know, I asked a boy out last week, and he got super mad because he's straight," says Luca. "I think we're all feeling frustrated." Sean starts to control his tears, and after a silent moment, he sits up.

"Thanks, you guys. It's probably not fair of me to act like this around you." He finishes the rest of his beer and gets up from the barstool he's sitting on. "I think I'm gonna head out for now. See you tomorrow, guys." He leaves his empty mug in the kitchen's cleaning area, and he exits the restaurant.

"I think I'm gonna go also," you say. "See ya." You didn't finish your beer, because you know your limit. You get in your car and drive to your apartment.

When you get to your apartment, you search your bag for your keys. While you scramble through your bag, you notice someone walk up to the door next to yours. You're shocked when you realize who it is.

"'re..." you can barely speak. The man standing next to you, it's Mark. He opens the door next to your apartment. Shit, since when was he your next door neighbor? He looks at you, and you start blushing.

"Hey, aren't you the guy that served me yesterday?" he asks. Holy shit, he actually remembers you.

"Uhhhh, y-yeah. I d-didn't know you lived here." You're more nervous than ever. What if he thinks you followed him here? What if he thinks you're weird?

"Yeah, I just moved here a few days ago. I've been trying to get settled in, but it's kinda hard since I don't really know anyone in this city."

"Oh, I s-see."

"Hey, do you want to come inside for a drink or something?" he asks. "I have some beers in the fridge." You're taken aback by his request, and after you calm down for a few seconds, you say yes.

Several boxes of stuff are still sitting around his apartment, but it seems like an overall comfortable place. You sit down on his couch with a can of beer, and he sits next to you. You probably shouldn't be drinking any more beer tonight, but you'll do anything to spend time with Mark.

"I don't think I ever told you that the wings you served me yesterday were amazing. The ranch was also great. Strange, but great." It seems he doesn't know about the secret ingredient in the ranch.

"Uh, yeah, I'm g-glad you enjoyed it."

"Thanks. I got a job in a nearby office building, so I thought I would try out some of the area's restaurants during my lunch breaks." You both finish your beers and throw away the empty cans. You wish this night would never end. It's now or never. You have to make a move.

You sit back down on the couch after throwing away your beer. When Mark sits down, you bring your face close to his. "Y/N? What are you—" You close your eyes, and you kiss him on his lips. You're not sure how long the kiss lasted, but it felt too short. You kiss him again. "Y/N...," he says.

"Mark...I'm...I'm in love with you! I want to be with you!" You have no idea how he's going to respond. He gets up from the couch.

"Come with me," he says. He leads you into his bedroom and places you on the bed....

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