Chapter One

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You were so excited that you barely slept a wink. It's light outside now, and you're still lying in bed. What time do you have to be at Femboy Hooters, again? Nine? You check you're phone to see what time it is.

    Oh shit! It's eight-forty! Get your femboy ass out of bed; you're gonna be late!

    You get ready as fast as you can. You really don't want to be late for work on your first day. It takes about fifteen minutes to drive from your apartment to Femboy Hooters, so you have to shower, brush your teeth, and get dressed as fast as possible. There's no time for breakfast.

    You rush out the door and get in your car. Not only do you look and sound like a girl, but you also drive like one. After the long but also short drive, you rush into Femboy Hooters, arriving right on time. You're greeted by one of the femboys working there.

    "Sorry, sir, but we aren't open yet. Come back later...wait a sec, you're the new guy, aren't you?" You nod, and he grabs your hand and leads you to the back of the restaurant. "Come on, you should go talk to the manager. She'll give you your uniform and tell you what to do."

    She? Does that mean your boss is a girl? The femboy pushes you inside the manager's offices, then closes the door behind you, leaving you alone with your new boss.

    "Welcome to Femboy Hooters," she says. Shit, this place is actually being run by a girl. She looks strong and tall, and you wouldn't dare to do anything to upset her. "You look like you'll make an excellent addition to this restaurant." She hands you a bag of clothes. "This is your uniform. Go change in the restroom, and you can put your other clothes in the bag when you're finished. After that, come back here, and I'll tell you what to do."

    "O-okay," you say. You go into the restroom and take off all your clothes except your panties. The uniform was a pair of orange short shorts and a tank top with the Femboy Hooters logo.

    You look at yourself in the mirror above one of the sinks. Are you cute enough for this job? Will the customers like you? You always get anxious when doing new things like this. Your bulge is noticeable through your panties, and it will probably still be noticeable when you put on those short shorts.

    You grew up as that one girly boy. You never developed a deep voice, and your hips widened during puberty. Everything about you made you a girl, except for the fact that you were a boy. You're hoping that you can fit in at this restaurant.

    "You can do this..." you say to yourself, taking a deep breath. You put on the uniform, which is a bit tight. The tank top barely even goes down to your chest. You are now officially a Hooters femboy.

    You start heading back to your boss's office, but one of the femboys in the kitchen stops you. "Wow, you look so cute in that outfit, new guy! Hey, what's your name?"

    "I'm Y/N," you say nervously. This boy seems like he's been working here for a while.

    "Cool name! I'm Asher! I think working with you will be a lot of fun!" He gives you a big hug, and you can barely breathe. He has a long, red ponytail, and he's quite muscular for a femboy. He's a bit taller than you as well. You look down and see his bulge through his shorts. At least you're not the only one whose rod is visible.

    You excuse yourself and continue heading to the manager's office. "I'm back," you say as you enter the room.

    "Good. The restaurant will open soon, and you'll be working as a waiter from now on. Could you go wipe down all the tables before we open?" You nod and do exactly as she said.

    When you finish, you're left with ten minutes before the restaurant opens. You decide to just wait it out, but all the femboys working in the restaurant gather near you. It turns out that they all have huge bulges, putting you a bit at ease, but you were still slightly embarrassed.

    "I suppose we haven't introduced ourselves yet," one of them said. That was the boy that greeted you when you first arrived here. He's about your height, and his blonde hair is short in a more masculine way, but he still maintains that feminine vibe.  "I'll go first! My name's Blake. I work here as a waiter, just like you!"

    Asher introduced himself next. "I'm Asher, but you already knew that! I'm the chef, and I will destroy all of you in a cooking competition."

    The next one was a boy with cute cat ears and a cat tail. He had long hair, and it was black like his ears and tail. "H-hi. I'm Luca. I clean the dishes and stuff." He seems even shyer than you, but you don't care because he's so damn cute with those cat ears.

    And last but not least was a boy with long, brown hair that was curly. He had very tan skin, and he was super cute, just like the rest of the femboys. "Heyyy, I'm Sean! I'm the bartender. If you ever want to sit down for a drink, just let me know and they'll all be on me! What about you? What's your name?"

    "I-I'm Y/N. I'm gonna be a waiter here."

    "We can't wait to work with you!" said Blake, giving you a warm smile.

    "Thanks," you say, smiling back. The restaurant is about to open. From now on, you will be a Femboy Hooters employee!

You Get a Job at Femboy HootersWhere stories live. Discover now