The once white walls of the school were now red as a figure walked down the hall. He gave off an aura of insanity, though the bunny hat was a bit odd.

 "Oh Gree-on~ Come out, come out where ever you are~ I'm no going to hurt you ~"


A small boy hid in the library, hoping his friend wouldn't find him.


 "Oh, there you are~ I was looking for you--"


 "GAHH!!" A dirty blond boy shot up from the purple blankets that covered him. His soulless black eyes glared at the woman who awoke him.

"Come on Glory, I was in the middle of an awesome dream!" Xelqua complained, trying to sneak back under the covers.

"Oh no you don't!" The woman named Glory said. The Black haired woman snatched the blankets always from the cowering psychopath. "We have the meeting, remember?"

Immediately Xelqua shot out of bed. Today will be the day he escapes! 

"Oh, by the way" Glory said, standing in the door way. "What dream did you have?"


"Your sick."

"I know. "

-#=Time skip, Joe Hills edition=#-

{3rd person}

The boy walked down the long corridor to an elegant door at the end. Behind it was all that stood between him and a new life.

The Council of Guardians.

Every year the watchers, the listeners, and the observers send their most qualified people to help with the important decisions.

Though ever group is related by magic, their appearances were as different as day and night. 

The Watchers, Glory and Silver, wore purple and black outfits with a corresponding mask. Glory doned a purple dress with black accents while Silver wore a black jacket with purple highlights. Each had a pair of wings on their back; Glory's being silver and Silvers being black. Their hair was the opposite, though. Glory way black and Silver's was, well, silver.

The Listeners, Pride and Topaz, wore outfits you might find on fairies. Pride wore a light green crop top with an olive colored skirt. Topaz chose to where a white robe, similar to a wizards. Much like their appearances, the listeners wings where those of a fairies. Bride's being white and Topaz's being green. Each wore a mask similar to how the watchers wore blindfolds.

The Observers, Honor and Jade, we're a mystery to the others. Never have they shown their face. They each wore a grey cloak, half of which was red, that covers their whole body. Their hair and faces where concealed by a expressionless mask. Honor's wings where almost like a miniature galaxy, with red stars in an endless black void. Seeing as how the others look, you would think that Jade's wings would be similar to her partner. But due to a failed attempt at retrieving a new recruit, her wings were lost.

The five figures say around a circular table in a grand hall. They had yet notice the two new arrivals. Just as the latecomers were taking their seats, a voice spoke up.

"Nice of you to finally join us, Xelqua and Glory.."

The obsever, Honor, glared at them. He was a rude man who would always follow, no matter what.

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