8- Perfect

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Yoongi's POV

"Hyun Jae." The Seokjin guy shouted the human girl's name as I glanced at Hoseok, who just came.

"That human. We made eye contact." Hoseok spoke out which made me frown and stand up to reach her, followed by him.

Jin was on his knees and tapping her cheeks with one hand and holding her with his other one. She was technically in his arms.

"What's wrong with her?" I asked, ignoring the feeling in my heart which was urging me to push that guy away from her.

To put it simply, he was the human not me. He would be more helpful in that situation.

"I don't know. She suddenly fainted."

Umm, fuck you.

I kicked him and took his place.

"What the fuck, man?" 

"Hoseok, give me a solution at once," I commanded as I imitated Jin's earlier behaviour which was pleasing to me.

Girls are soft.

"Hoseok? Ah, your angel friend." Jin air quoted the word angel, and when I gave no answer, he rolled his eyes.

"You need perfume to wake her up," Hoseok answered after a few seconds.

He was a real angel, and when they don't know an answer to any of my questions, automatically, the information would be inserted in their brains from God directly by his will.

"Perfume?" I inquired and gave Jin a questioning look.

Surely, he knows what that is.

"Obviously, I don't carry one."


Wait, did God intentionally give Hoseok an invalid item to mess with me?*

Just so you wait.

"You heard him. Another option, Hoseok." I looked at him with a forced smile to earn a soft chuckle from him, for he reached the same conclusion as me.

"Onion can be useful," Hoseok informed, and I relayed the message to Jin, who stood up and went to the kitchen to grab one.

He sat and extended his hands to reach her nose as I waited patiently for its effect.

Her face squished, and she slapped the onion away, mumbling, "What the fuck?"

I smirked and nodded at how humans made the onions' strong scent useful.

"Can you see me?" Jin moved his hands in front of her barely opened eyes for her to nod at his words.

I let go of her when she jerked away from me with her pink cheeks which for some reason was a pleasant sight.

The three of us plus the invisible Hoseok strolled to the sofas and sat. I was annoyed because she was leaning on Jin to walk. However, I couldn't help but ask for the reasons for my annoyance.

"Hoseok said that your eyes met his." I blurted when I noticed how the two of them were taking way too long on their one-to-one conversation.

"Don't tell me the black figure that I saw was Hoseok. Wait. No. No. Are you really an angel?" She gasped and covered her mouth while Jin rolled his eyes once again, saying, "His stories about angels must have tricked your brain, Hyun Jae."

"Then tell me who the hell called me and told me that he was Yoongi's friend." She snapped as I blinked along with Hoseok.

What is she speaking about?

"His crime partner." Jin shrugged.

She glanced at me and gave me a questioning look. It was full of misgivings which for once made me feel how God felt whenever I gave him that look before we sorted things out.

"Sorry for interrupting, but who claimed to be my friend?" I asked and crossed my legs when Jin examined me from head to toe, indicating how my presence was giving him a headache.

"Taehyung. Someone claimed to be him and told me to take care of you because you are his friend." Hyun Jae said as I squinted my eyes, trying to collect the pieces of the puzzle.

However, there was a problem. I was dealing with God, who for some reason left 3 days ago out of nowhere.

He had never done that before, and no matter how many times I asked Hoseok about his where beings, he would reply 'I don't know' which also never happened before.

God was either hiding something from me, or I was abandoned as the human girl claimed.

Was it my sour tongue that made him make such a decision?

I knew that he didn't like to be insulted or talked back to, but I still did it.

Should I keep looking for him or accept the new form he gave me and live with it?

If I begged for forgiveness and treated him like the other angels, would he embrace me once again?

"Yoongi, it must be Jungkook." Hoseok said, barely snapping me out of my thoughts.

I shifted my eyes at him to find him looking at me with his amber eyes. The color that I hated the most because it belonged to them.

Angels, the perfect creatures.

Angels, the perfect creatures

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So to avoid confusion, I decided to add some notes for explanation:

* Yoongi here meant that God knew from the beginning that perfume would be useless to wake Hyun since they can't get it, but still let Hoseok reply by it. So yeah, God was teasing Yoongi despite his disappearance.

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