A Fresh Start

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The summer passed as pleasantly as Barnaby could imagine. Every morning, his Gran would wake him and not let him leave the dining table even to use the bathroom until he'd finished a certain amount of his homework. This was when most of the yelling would occur. She'd shout at him for being too stupid to remember when the International Statute of Secrecy was put into effect, or for misspelling the names of potions. The bright side was that often, his Gran would get so fed up with him that she'd shove him out of the chair and correct all his homework for him, "So I won't be so embarrassed when you hand it in."

Once this torture was over, he'd be given something to eat and be instructed to leave his Gran alone for the rest of the day. So, he could play outside all afternoon. He visited the many creatures he'd befriended over the years—the kelpie, the jarvey, the knarl. His heart ached when he remembered that Nelly used to accompany him, weaving her feline body in between his legs as he walked. When he was especially lonely, he'd visit her grave and talk to her a while. She'd always been a good listener.

At last, the new term was nearly upon them. His Gran took him Diagon Alley to purchase the new books he'd need for his second year. He'd also need new robes, as he'd grown so much over the summer his old ones were a couple inches short in the arms and legs. This annoyed Gran to no end. Barnaby knew his family had lots of money, but his Gran did not like to spend it, especially on him. She had complained endlessly about having to cough up another year's worth of tuition.

Apparently, she'd written to Dumbledore, informing him that if he was determined that Barnaby should continue at Hogwarts, it would be up to the headmaster to pay for it. Barnaby didn't know what Dumbledore's reply had been, but for weeks after he'd heard Gran muttering to herself. "Checking up on me like I'm some kind of rogue teenager...hidden dark objects indeed...treat the boy like a prince...who he thinks he is..."

Barnaby loved shopping in Diagon Alley, though he wished Gran would give him reign to wander about by himself. He wanted to look around in Quality Quidditch supplies at the new brooms. Flying class had been one of his favorites, and he'd found he was a decent flyer. He had an inkling to try out for the Slytherin quidditch team, but he new his low grades wouldn't permit him.

He also wanted try out Florean Fortescue's Ice Cream Parlour. He gazed threw the shop window at the mounds of ice cream, in more flavors and colors than he'd have thought possible. There weren't any sweets at Lee Manor, and Barnaby hadn't had a truly satisfying meal since he'd been at Hogwarts.

But his Gran was no nonsense; there'd be no stops at quidditch shops or candy stores. They bought his new books at Flourish and Blotts, got him fitted for new robes at Madam Malkin's, refilled his potion kit at the apothecary, and were gone in a little over an hour.

Barnaby had recognized a few other Hogwarts students in Diagon Alley, but he didn't stop to talk much, as none of them had been his friends. He didn't have any. He did exchange a few pleasantries with Michael in the book shop, and was relieved that his Gran had been too busy hunting down his book list to hear Michael call him "the troll." Michael was probably the closest person he had to a friend, but he was more of a friendly acquaintance than a true friend. Michael and the other Slytherin boys in their year had formed a tight group, and Barnaby didn't truly belong.

The next day, he was back on the Hogwarts Express, immensely glad to be rid of his Gran for a few months. He wondered if he could find a way to stay at Hogwarts over Christmas. The start of term feast was as excellent as ever. Barnaby spotted Merula sitting a littler further down the table and waved to her. He got no response, but he didn't mind. Dumbledore would be proud of the steps he was taking. Barnaby was determined not to get into too many fights this year.

Dumbledore stood up to give his start of term speech. He told them to make sure they reported anything unusual to the Hogwarts staff at once, and not to tamper with anything out of the ordinary. A rush of whispers echoed in the hall. Everyone knew to what he was referring. There had been rumors that cursed ice was forming in certain corridors, and that it trapped anyone who touched it.

A Young Slytherin: A Barnaby Lee Story -Hogwarts MysteryWhere stories live. Discover now