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The three of them didn't spend much time together over the next few days. For one thing, even after countless showers, they still smelled faintly of dung and the smell worsened when they congregated.

For another, Merula was in a fouler mood than they'd ever seen her. They learned that when she was feeling extremely vicious, it was best to let her simmer for a bit, rather than be shouted at and insulted constantly. Barnaby had a feeling she was more upset about Tulip's betrayal than the loss of the key, but Merula refused to talk about it.

To cope with the stress of dealing with her, Barnaby visited Kettleburn often to look after the creatures. He was fond of playing with the bowtruckles; he'd stand still as a tree and let them climb all over him.

On his way back from such a visit, Tulip Karasu jumped in front of him in a corridor.

"Hullo there, Barnaby Lee. Long time, no see. Whew, you still smell. Impressive."

"I'm not supposed to talk to you, traitor," he said, stepping around her.

Tulip stepped in front of him again. "Still following Merula's orders, I see. Don't you get tired of her bossing you around?"

He pulled out his wand stared hard at her. "Get out of my way."

"Okay, okay," she said, flinching away. "Please, don't hurt me. I don't mean any harm. I just wondered if you wanted this box of peppermint toads."

She shook the box in front of him. He glared at her, thinking hard. It didn't seem right that a traitor would offer him candy. But he did like peppermint toads.

"Yeah, alright," he said. He reached for the box, but she pulled away at the last second.

"First, I want you to do something for me."

"What?" he said.

"I want you to meet with Sarah Spellman."

"I'm not supposed to talk to her, either."

Tulip made a face at him. "Why, because Merula told you so? Do you ever do anything for yourself?"

"I might curse your mouth off because you talk too much. That's my own idea."

She held her hand and the box up in surrender. "Easy, boy. Look just a little conversation with her, that's all. And the toads are yours. I think you'll like what she has to say."

Barnaby tried to think of what Merula would tell him to do, but he couldn't concentrate because his stomach was growling. "Fine."

She smiled. "Excellent. She's in the great hall right now. When you're done talking, I'll be waiting with the toads."

He hesitated. "I should probably go—"

"Talk to your master first?" she asked, smiling sweetly.

Fuming, he turned and stormed off to the Great Hall.

Spellman was waiting for him by the fire.

"Barnaby Lee?" she asked when she spotted him. She stepped closer.

"I smell like a dungbomb," he blurted, suddenly self-conscious about it.

She stopped in her tracks. "I appreciate the warning."

"I've had more showers since I got hit by that dungbomb than I've had in my whole laugh, but I still stink."

She smiled. It wasn't like when Merula or Ismelda smiled. It was...nice. If a little guilty.

"I'm sorry about that. I needed to speak with Merula, and I knew you wouldn't let me get close to her."

"It was a good idea," he admitted. "Otherwise, I would've—"

A Young Slytherin: A Barnaby Lee Story -Hogwarts MysteryWhere stories live. Discover now