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Barnaby went. He stood in McGonagall's office, his arm dripping blood onto the floor. He barely noticed it. He wasn't angry or upset. He couldn't think. He just stared blankly at McGonagall's desk, Ben's words replaying over and over in his head. Stay away from me, Death Eater!

McGonagall returned, Snape following close behind her.

"Well, what do you have to say for yourself?" she said.

He said nothing.

"This warrants expulsion, Lee. You better explain yourself or you'll be sent home tonight," said Snape.

Barnaby barely heard them. It was like he was underwater. Stay away from me, Death Eater. Death Eater. Death Eater.

"Lee!" yelled Snape, slamming his fist on the table.

"I didn't attack him. I was fighting someone else and he got in the way."

"After receiving a calming draught, Copper managed to say something to that effect," said McGonagall. "Who were you fighting with?"

He refused to say.

"You have been warned countless times about your violent behavior, Lee. What makes you think you can strut about this castle doing whatever you want?" spat Snape.

"Death Eater," he mumbled.

Snape's voice bit like ice. "What did you say?"

"They deserved it," he said. Louder this time. "Just getting what we deserve." He wasn't talking about Merula. He was thinking of his family. 

"That's not for you to decide!" yelled Snape. 

In the end, he'd been given detention every day for the rest of the term, about three weeks. He suspected he would've been expelled if McGonagall hadn't been there to calm Snape down, but he didn't care.

He was just getting what he deserved.

After the incident with Ben, Barnaby completely forgot his deal with Dumbledore.

The teachers, who had been pleased at how much he'd progressed since his first year, noted with displeasure that now, he was even worse than before.

Barnaby stopped trying in his lessons, stopped doing his homework, and hardly spoke a word to anybody. He knew only two things: that there was nothing he could do to escape being a death eater, and that his life was horrible because he deserved it.

The end of term loomed, and he did nothing to prepare for it. He only emerged from his dormitory for detention and for class, and sometimes not even then.

On the second to last week, he was headed back to his dormitory after detention when he heard loud voices ahead. He was in an ill-used corridor, as he preferred being seen by other students as little as possible, so all the noise surprised him.

Turning the corner, he saw Merula on her knees in front of a group of older Gryffindor girls. The girl in the front was dressed all in pink and wore an expression that made it look like had stink sap up her nose.

Merula was bound by some kind of jinx. She struggled against invisible bonds as the pink girl snarled at her.

"I bet you'll think twice about snooping through my bag again, you scrawny, Slytherin brat."

"Didn't know it was your bag," Merula wheezed. She was having trouble breathing.

"Looks like 'the most powerful witch of Hogwarts' is no match for Emily Tyler. Look at you, you're just a pathetic, shaggy haired wannabe."

"Hey! Get lost!" shouted Barnaby. His voice came out thick and raspy. It had been the first time he'd used it in days.

Emily Tyler scoffed. "And who's gonna make me?"

Barnaby pulled out his wand. "I will." He didn't care that much about defending Merula, but he had pent up energy and was in the mood for a fight.

"You? You think you can challenge all three of us?"

The girl to the right of Tyler said, "Watch out, Em. That's that Lee kid."

"The Death Eaters' son?"

The girl nodded.

Emily paled slightly, but raised her wand. "Whatever. We can still take him."

"No way, I want no part in this," said the girl. She ran from the hall.

Barnaby raised his wand, directing it straight at Emily's chest. "Last chance."

"You think you're so bad because you're a filthy Death Eater's kid? You're not so special. You're going to end up in Azkaban just like your murdering parents. I bet—"

Barnaby had heard enough. He bought his wand slashing down and the battle commenced. He fought both Emily and the girl who hadn't run off, but even though they were two years older, he knew immediately he would win.

He was strong, and they were scared.

At some point, Merula broke free of her bonds. She slid to the side to watch, awestruck.

Barnaby pushed the girls back to the end of the corridor. One of their spells hit him, a stinging jinx that swelled his eyes nearly shut, but he kept at it. He heard wood clanging on the stone floor, telling him one of them had lost her wand.

Finally, Emily shouted, "Forget it, let's get out of here!" As he couldn't see, Barnaby continued blasting spells for a minute to make sure they were gone.

"Gryffindors are the worst," he said.

"Tell me about it," said Merula.

Barnaby slipped his wand in his pocket and stalked to the other side of the corridor. He figured he'd better clear off before a teacher was summoned. To his surprise, Merula followed him.

"Lee, wait up!"

He turned at the sound of her voice, reaching in his pocket for his wand. He'd fight her too, if that's what she wanted.

Merula said, "Episkey!" and the swelling in his eyes reduced. He could see again.

Merula stood in front of him, giving him an appraising look.

"I think I've underestimated your usefulness." He didn't say anything, so she carried on. "Do you still want into the cursed vaults?"

He thought about it. He'd all but forgotten the cursed vaults existed, and part of him didn't care anymore. But, his body was still full of the adrenaline from his duel with Tyler and her friend, and he reveled in the strength and power he'd felt in that moment. The certainty that he'd win. The way they'd feared him.

If he was a Death Eater, he supposed he should seek even more power. It was something to do, at the least.

"Yeah," he said at last.

Merula smiled. "Right, then come with me."

A Young Slytherin: A Barnaby Lee Story -Hogwarts MysteryUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum