Butterbeer and Dungbombs

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Hogsmeade was fantastic. Witches and wizards were everywhere enjoying the shops and food places. It was great not to have any work to do. Barnaby didn't have any money, but Merula bought sweets for all of them at Honeydukes.

She also paid for around of butterbeers at the three broomsticks.

"This stuff is amazing," he told Madam Rosmerta after draining half his mug in one gulp.

"Glad you like it," she said with a glowing smile. "It's home-brewed. My own secret recipe."

"Well, we didn't just come here to sample your butterbeer," said Merula. "We also have a few questions for you."

"Oh? What kind of questions?"

"Tell us everything you know about Jacob Spellman," said Merula. "Especially what he found out about the cursed vaults."

Rosmerta paused wiping down the bar and narrowed her eyes at them. "And what business is that of yours?"

"I have business with the vaults," said Merula simply.

"They're gonna makes us stronger," said Barnaby, slamming down his empty mug and wiping foam from his lips appreciatively.

"And more deadly," said Ismelda.

Merula shut them up with a vicious glare.

"Well, I'll not be telling you anything," said Rosmerta. She resumed cleaning the table. "It's a personal matter. I'd only discuss it with Jacob's little sister."

"You better tell us then, because Sarah is the one who sent us here," said Merula. "She couldn't come herself because of bad marks."


"Yes, really. Now hurry up and tell us, I haven't got all day."

Rosmerta glared at her. "I'm not saying anything unless it's directly to Sarah Spellman. And if you're going to continue to be rude, you can up and leave my pup now."

Merula stood up furiously. "Fine! This butterbeer tastes like bubotuber pus anyway. Come on!" she snapped at Barnaby and Ismelda. Ismelda follower her out.

"Can we take these to go?" Barnaby asked Rosmerta, holding up the girls' half full mugs.


"Okay, I'll just..." He chugged from both glasses until they were empty, then hurried off after the others.

The setback at the Three Broomsticks left Merula without any other leads. This made her grumpy.One day, they were all standing in the courtyard, Merula staring daggers at every person she saw.

"I hate Gryffindors," she said, watching a group of Gryffindors laughing as they made their way inside the castle.

"I'm casting the killing curse on the next Gryffindor I see," spat Ismelda.

Merula rolled her eyes. "You don't even know the killing curse."

"I accidentally sat on a bowtruckle once," he said, the memory tugging at his heart. He'd had to bury it next to Nelly the Kneazle's grave at home.

"What does the have to do with anything?" Ismelda asked.

"I thought we were talking about killing things."

"I hate you both," spat Merula.

Suddenly, something flew from overhead straight at them. Barnaby pulled Merula out of the way so she didn't get hit in the head. The thing landed on the ground, writhing and squirming.

"What is it? Some kind of creature?" he asked. It sort of resembled a swollen flobberworm.

"I don't know what it is," said Ismelda. "Let's kill it."

Bang! The thing exploded with such force that he fell backwards.

"Dungbomb!" shouted Merula through a gag.

The smell was unbelievable, like being trapped in a rotting dragon carcass. Green smoke filled the air around them, so thick that he couldn't see the others. He heard them saying something, but he couldn't make out what it was over the coughing and gagging.

He finally found his way to the edge of the dung fog, but his eyes were watering so badly, he still couldn't see well. Someone was running into the castle. Merula. Still gagging, he hurried after her.

He followed Merula all the way down to the dungeons. They finally stopped to catch their breath, standing far away from each other because the smell was so strong. Barnaby wiped his eyes, able to see clearly at last. What he saw made his stomach drop. Standing in front of him, still coughing, wasn't Merula, but Ismelda.

"Where's Merula?" he asked.

"I guess still back at the courtyard," she wheezed.

"Uh-oh. We're in trouble."

He hurried back the way he'd come, leaving Ismelda behind.

He found Merula in the entryway, looking very angry indeed. Part of him wanted to slip into a different passageway to avoid her wrath, but he walked over to her anyway.

"You okay?"

She glared at him. "No, I'm not okay! It was Spellman! She attacked me. Where were you?"

She marched furiously down to the dungeons, Barnaby hurrying after her.

"I'm sorry," he said. "I thought—"

"How many times do I have to tell you Troll, you don't think! You're not capable of thinking! When I'm in trouble, you protect me. Not run off to save your own neck!" Her voice had become terribly shrill. It looked like she might cry.

"Thanks to you, Spellman got the key that unlocks her brother's room. That was the only lead I had. And now, Tulip's working with her, so they'll both be able to get in. And it's all your fault!"

Ismelda had finally caught up with them.

"I can fix it," he said. "Want me to go beat them up? I can duel them. I can make them give you the key back."

"I can kill them," said Ismelda, as they entered the common room.

"No! I don't trust you blockheads to do anything right. Just leave me alone." She threw open the door to the girls' dormitory and slammed it shut behind her.

Barnaby thought about tracking Tulip and Spellman down anyway and making them pay for what they did to Merula, but the dungbomb smell was starting to make him gag again. So, he went up to the boys' dormitory to shower instead. 

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