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[WORDS: 2775]

Today started off like any normal day. I woke up, did my morning routine, then headed off to work at the father daughter burger shop me and my father opened.

"Hey honey, I thought you were off today." My father said

"No I said I could take the extra shift." I told him " I told John B I could help him with something this coming up week." I continued "I was hoping since I'm working today I could get Thursday off this week."

"Yeah I'll just see if Macey will fill in for you." He said

"Dad you'd have better luck getting a gecko to work with you." I joked

Oh yeah and one thing I forgot to mention, I'm a "kook", well Pogue, I've been a Pogue all my life it just so happens that my step mother and step sisters are Kooks.

"I'll just see if Stacey wants to work an extra shift than." He suggested

Stacey is one of our best works, she is here when we need her. But she just so happens be Topper Thornton's younger sister.

"I'll talk to her real quick and see if it's ok." I walk over to where Stacey was taking someone's order.

"Hey Stace, I need to ask you something." I said

"What's up?" She gave me a worried look

"Can you work an extra shift on Thursday?" I asked

"Y/N/N, I would love to but my parents are making me and Topper have a sibling bonding day at the Country Club." She told me

"I understand, I'll have to work something out." I said then turned to walk away

"I'll let you know if plans change though." I turned around and she gave me a wink letting me know plans will change

"Ok, sweet, thanks girl." I hugged her

"Anytime, but if I can't make it, I'll text you." She said

"Ok sounds like a plan." I said walking behind the counter and putting on my apron

I heard the door open and saw someone sit on one of the bar stools we have at the counter.

"Hi, I'm Y/N/N." I was tying my apron "I will be super waitress today, what can I get for you?" I asked

"Hey Y/N/N." I heard a familiar voice say

"JJ, what are you doing here?" I asked him

"I was sent by boss man to see if your still free for the thing on Thursday." He said

"I should be, I'm just trying to get my schedule figured out." I said "Anyways, What can I get for you?" I smiled at him

"I want a coke." He said

"Ok." I turned around to go get it

"And I'll have what he's having." Another voice said from behind me

I spun around quick to see Rafe Cameron sitting only 3 seats away from JJ.

"I'll be right with you Rafe." I said

"I can wait Y/L/N." He knew I hated being called by my last name

I finished getting JJ his drink then I turned to Rafe.

"What are you doing here?" I asked

"What I cant come see my favorite waitress." He said

"Oh, sorry, Topper doesn't work here." I said

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