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Footsteps could be heard all throughout the house, which was strange considering you were home alone. You called Sherif Peterkin since she was patrolling today.

"Y/N is everything ok?" She asked

"No ma'am, I think someone's in my house." You told her

"Stay calm and hid someplace where you can easily be hidden." She said "I'm on the street over from you."

You hung up and quickly hid in your closet underneath a pole of blankets.

⚠️A few minutes later you heard gun shots from downstairs. Thinking it was the Sherif you climbed out from your hiding spot and went downstairs. You heard another gunfire and felt a sharp pain in your lower abdomen, blood flushed from the wound as you feel backwards. Your front door swung opened revealing Rafe, your father, Mr.Cameron, Sherif Peterkin, and Officer Shoupe.⚠️

Rafe ran over to you in tears and held your head in his lap. Peterkin caught the guy and handcuffed him.

"Baby?" You asked

"I'm right here babe." He said gently running his hands through your hair

"Adrian and I love you." You said before taking your last breath and closing your eyes

"No!" Rafe yelled trying to wake you up "Please." He said softly

"She's gone Bud." His dad said to him

A few days later your funeral was held and your father asked Rafe to speak.

"Y/N Y/L/N, was the most energetic and exciting person I have ever met, she always had a smile on her face when we would see each other. I was told to share a memory, but I couldn't just share one because there are so many good ones. This one is my favorite though, on April 13 of this year, she walked into my house with a little box in her hand. She handed it to me and said open it, I did as I was told and opened the box. Inside that box was something I will carry with me for the rest of my life. It was and ultrasound picture, we were going to be parents. I remember the smile on her face as we discussed baby names and how we wanted to paint the nursery for the baby. The day she passed we lost not just one angel but we lost two. I will never forget her, she was the love of my life and the only person who seemed to understand how much I wanted to get off this island. The last thing, well her last words at all were Adrian and I love you, were having a baby boy. *crowd gasps* She never really knew how many lives she touched just by giving a homeless person some change or simply smiling at someone as she passed them, she will never be forgotten. Thank you." He finished then went back to his seat

A few months later

Rafe walked up to your grave and sat down on the grass next you your headstone.

'Y/N Y/L/N-Cameron' *Not married your dad suggested it though*
'Loving girlfriend, daughter, mother'
'B/Y - 2020' (Birth Year)

"Hey." Rafe spoke "Its been a few months since you passed and I come here nearly everyday. I got the money to pay Dad back for the generators, I stopped doing drugs, and I don't pick on the Pogues as much. I'm sorry that I didn't come over that night, you had asked me too and I blew you off, it was stupid of me to do." He said with tears in his eyes "I was happy to find out I was going to be a dad, happy to find out he was going to be a boy. Adian is a beautiful name for a beautiful baby boy, I just wish I got to meet him. Um, Dad says its unhealthy to come here and talk to you, but he didn't lose the love of his life the way I did. I miss you and I will always love you." He said

He just sat there a few minutes before he got a text from his dad.

'Come home'

"I got to go now, but I'll come back and visit as much as I can. I love you Y/N, I always have and I always will." And with that being said he was on his way home, wiping the tears from his face and drove away.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 16, 2022 ⏰

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