Chapter 9

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I think Sam might be mad at me but who cares. Like I said he will be crawling back to me. I then started to walk to his house. I knocked on his window.. don't ask me how I got up there. "What do you want," Sam yelled at me. "I want you,now," I said grabbing his hand pulling him with me. " im not coming with you," he yelled. "Are you sure about that? Your bestfriends name is Jake, right?" Sams eyes then widen.

"Don't touch him," he yelled. "Then come with me and I won't." Sam then frowned. "Fine." I smiled and we hopped in my car. The thing is, Sam doesn't know where I am taking him...

It's so hard to get mad at him. I try not to admit it but I kinda do want to go with him. I love him even though he is a dick. "Where are you taking me," I asked. "That's for me to know and for you to do what you're told," Colby said smirking. "And what if I don't," I asked him. "You'll get punished." I then rolled my eyes. "What are you going to do? Spank me,"I said laughing. "I might." My eyes then widen.

I could tell he was being serious..

About 10 minutes later, Colby stopped at this rusty building. "Where are we," I ask. Before he could answer this guy came out. "Colby something happened. Corey won against me in fortnite," the guy said whining. "Who's this," I asked. "Names brennen. Wait is this him," brennen said smirking. Colby saw that I was confused so he answered my question.

"He's my bestfriend." I nod and frown. "I thought I was your bestfriend," I pouted. "Of course you are baby," Colby said kissing my forehead. I love when he does that..Sam what are you thinking. Remember he did something with Kat. When we walked inside there wasn't a lot of people. "Guys I have someone I want you to meet,"Colby yelled and everyone started to come to this room.. which I think is the living room.

"This is Sam." I smile shyly and wave. This one guy came over to me and lifted up my arms. "He's small and he couldn't hurt a fly. How he is gonna kill anyone,"the guy said. Kill someone?! "Umm Colby kill who," I said frightened. Everyone started to laugh except me and Colby. "Sam, I'm apart of a gang." I then gulped. That means Colby kills people?! "And I'm the leader," he said.

Everyone kept on laughing and then this girl came up to me.. it was amber. "Your scaring him Colby. He's hyperventilating," Amber yelled at Colby. He's eyes then widened and carried me up the stairs to this room. Which I assume is his because it's the biggest. Colby laid with me on his bed,holding me still, while I start to calm down. "I'm so so sorry Sam. I know that this is a lot." I nodded. "I love you so much," Colby said and I smiled. "I love you too," I told him.

"I think the guys hate me," I said sniffling. "Oh baby they don't hate you. They're just like that to everyone. Even me and I'm their boss." I giggled and nodded. "Am I your boyfriend," I asked him. "If you want to be." I smiled and nodded. "Now go to sleep and In the morning I will actually introduce you to some of my closest friends." I nodded falling asleep...

Sorry that I haven't posted in a while. I just been having writers block :(

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