Chapter 1

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Rain. That was my moment for relaxation. I adore the rain. It makes me calm and I forget about the world. Raindrops were falling from my forehead on my diary. I was writing about my day when my phone rang. I searched up my bag so I can find it and after a minute I found it. The melody had stopped, so I guess the contact wasn't patient enough to wait. I saw a SMS and I opened it. It was from my colleague Andre. Andre Martinez wasn't from those people who wait. He can be a pain in the ass everytime you forget to call him or make him wait. 'Meeting at the place. The boss wants everyone there in 30 minutes.' I read. So, what did he want this time? I closed my diary and I placed the diary inside the coat and my phone - inside the bag. I stood up from the bench I was sitting on and started walking towards my car. My car was from those old Mercedes Benz. I didn't want expensive cars. I wasn't that type of people that want luxury. Not that I can allow any kinds of luxuries. My life is not... normal, if I can say it like that. I was only 13 years old when my life changed. When I lost everything. I had no other choice but to go with Andre and the boss. They knew what I did and they said they would tell the police about it. It was my dark secret.

After 30 minutes, I was on the highway, driving to the place where we usually meet. I was bored and excited in the same time. It was hard for me to keep balance between my normal life and my... new life. he police already know my name and how I look. That's why I have a blonde wig and green lenses. I had to be myself in the normal life... with some upgrades. I had to put them on everytime I was outside the car. My time on that bench was the first in many years that I didn't put my wig and lenses on. I just needed to see my real self.

Stupid me.

While I was thinking, I crashed into something. Or someone crashed into me? I hit my head really hard and then I saw blood on my jeans. My head is hurt. I felt dizzy and everything around me started to spin. I searched for my wig and lenses. The wig was okey, but putting the lenses on was a pain. It took me minutes to put them on. I usually put them for only a minute. I took my bag, but before that I checked if my diary was in the coat. It was my portal to my memories. Without the diary, I'm lost.

I opened the car door and stepped out. What I saw shocked me and I don't know what else! There were two giant robots, figthing! On the highway! I hope it was my imagination. One of the robots was grey with red eyes and the other one was black with blue eyes. The red eyed one saw me and came closer. Damn it! It wasn't my imagination! It wasn't! It wasn't! He picked me up and shaked me in front of the other robot. I screamed and if he didn't stop shaking me, I was going to throw up! The black robot was just staring. If he was the good one, he could do something! Like... I don't know... maybe save me! "Hey! If you are the good one, just shoot at him already!" I shouted. He moved forward, but then stopped. Like he was thinking! Oh, c'mon! The bad guy, that was holding me, squeezed me and turned me to face him. "Stupid human! Hold that mouth of yours closed!" He yelled at me. I couldn't hold my eyes open so... Bye bye world. At least I didn't had to spend my last moments in the company of those idiots. Sometimes I think I was the responsible one among them.

I opened my eyes and began to cough. Someone had shoved ammonia near my nose. I looked around. I was inside a hangar. There were soldiers all over the place. Lucky me! I saw that no one was watching me. I wasn't going to wait for a second invitation! I stood up and ran in a random direction. My feet were hitting my long coat and that wasn't helping me running. I looked behind my shoulder and I saw that no one was running after me. Plus!

I ran into a big room and I freaked out! There was a b-big g-g-giant robot! A giant freaking robot! It's body was painted in blue and had red flames. He had blue eyes like that black one I saw. So it really wasn't my imagination. I wondered who shoved that ammonia. And he or she had disappeared suddenly. The robot was talking to another soldier. So, I was in a military base! Great! No chances for me to escape now! Someone tapped me on the shoulder, causing me to jump and scream at the same time. I rolled on the ground and bumped into something. I looked up to see that red-flamed robot staring at me. I screamed and backed away. At least there was a plus! I looked at myself in the metal leg of the robot. I had my wig on and my lenses were here. So, for now I was clear. I sighed. "What?" A black man asked me. I was shaking. I thought everything was from my head. That I was imagining. "I'm Rob Epps by the way." He smiled at me. I nodded and stood up. Now what?! I can't tell them I'm Kasey Jones, the female working for Allan Foster, the most wanted criminal in the world. Plus, I had enough problems with my file. "Umm... I... My name is Janna Sinister." I fake smiled. Janna Sinister?! What was I thinking! It's stupid and I don't think that he will... "Nice to meet you, Janna!" He turned around and walked away. Hmph! Never thought that my lie will work. Hahah! I then remembered that there was a giant staring robot. "H-Hey!" I waved at him. He kneeled down so I could see him better. "My name is Optimus Prime. I heard your name is Janna Sinister, right?" He smiled. I nodded and smiled too. "I will search for Will Lennox. He will help you and explain everything you need to know." He continued and stood up. Then with 3 steps, he was at the other side of the room. Woah! I didn't saw benches or chairs, so I sat on the ground. I heard a load noise. Like... "Watch out!" Someone yelled. I jumped from my place, just to see a Chevrolet Corvette Stingray! No way! That was one of my top 10 favourite cars! Awesome! "Are you okey?" Someone asked me. I turned around to see a tall man. He was older than me, but he was in his good years. He was attractive. "I'm Will Lennox. You can come with me and I'll make sure that there won't be drifting cars around." He smiled. I chuckled. Yeah! I really preferred a quiet place and no drifting cars! 

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