planet romeo pt 2

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Romeo hasn't found newton star yet than he seen someone he seen....

It was OWLETTE!!she was not paying attention till romeo grab her.

And the hand got her it bring her inside of the factory.

When owlette was in the factory romeo came.

Romeo:hello bird brain.

Owlette:romeo what are you doing here in space!! As she was trying to get out of the hand

Romeo:well I was just trying to get the space kid so I can make planet romeo....but I got you instead so you will be my prisoner.the robots got owlette and put her in the room.

Owlette was worried till she had her helmet she was about to call catboy but she decided not to since Newton star blade her secret she called gekko.


Gekko:yes owlette??

Owlette:Romeo trap me in his factory and he is after Newton star so he can take his powers and make another planet.


Owlette:no time go get the other!! As she hang up.

The robots came and took owlette helmet.

*later with gekko*

Gekko:CATBOY NEWTON STAR!!!as he was trying to fly to them.(because gravity).

Catboy:yes gekko.

Newton star:anything wrong.

Gekko explained it fast and catboy and newton star understood it and there eyes went wide.

Catboy and newton star:WHAT!!!!

Catboy:WELL WHY ARE WE STANDING HERE WE SHOULD GO AND SAVE newton star got a asteroid and they all surfed on it to get to romeos factory.

They were trying to know how to get in till they found a secret to door under the factory and went in they seen lots of robots and owlette helmet with the robot.

Catboy:I got  plan newton you cause a distraction and get owlette helmet and gekko use your camouflage and open the door.they both put a thumbs up.

Newton star went over to the corner and made a sound which caught the robots attention the robot with the helmet put it on the floor and went with the other robots and newton star flew over the robots and grab The helmet.

Gekko used his camouflage power and went to the door where owlette was was used his muscles to open the door.

Owlette seen gekko and catboy.

Owlette:you saved she hig both of them.

Catboy:of course we can we are she let go of both of then and newton star came.

Newton star:are you ok?

Owlette:HMPH!as she turn around.

Gekko:owlette what's wrong??

Owlette:well let's say someone tell you there secret and soon when you seen them they blab your secret to someone else.newton star was confused. romeo appeared behind them.

Romeo:I seen you broke bird brain out and just in time to.

Gekko:in time for what?.....

Romeo:the time I get you ROBOT CATCH THE SPACE KID.

They were dodging robots and his attacks.

Newton star:owlette if you used your feathers than we could escape.owlette just turn her head.

Newton star:why are you mad at me?.

as catboy was over there she came closer to him and told him.

Owlette:because you told catboy my secret that I have a crush on him.

Newton star:no I didn't.

Owlette:yeah you did I heard you say owlette and crush and you.

Newton star:ooohhh catboy was just telling me the game that you always win at.owlette eyes open wide.

Newton star:I would never tell a secret I respect secrets.

Owlette:oh.....I am sorry..

Newton star:its ok now let's use your features.

Owlette used her owl features to put a force field over romeo and robots and the other robots they all ran out of the factory.


As they went out of the factory and took a breath.

Gekko: finally we are out of the factory.

Pj robot came with the HQ to get the pj masks home.

Catboy:bye newton.

Gekko:cya later they both went in HQ

owlette:Bye newton and thank you for keeping and the secret and sorry for you know.

Newton:its ok



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