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Once Janine had finished Madison's nails, they went to make drinks. Janine closed the kitchen door quietly and turned to face Madison, her demeanour changing completely now they were out of Jase's earshot.

"Did you notice that?" she asked.

Madison's brows furrowed, "Notice what?" They were whispering.

Janine rolled her eyes, sighing as she flicked the kettle on. "Of course, you didn't," she said, "you don't know what he's actually like."

"What are you on about?" Madison sat down at the table, resting her elbows on top, her chin in her palms.

"You're not allowed to talk about stuff like that," Janine said. Madison frowned, failing to identify what the problem was.

"Like what? I don't get it?" Janine chewed her lip, tossing tea bags in the mugs.

"Just in that way. Asking questions, it's too close, too personal. Too friendly. The only communication we've ever been allowed with the other girls is eye contact. Or that one time one of the girls used to leave messages on the bathroom mirror..." she trailed off in thought then span around to face her. "What is he like with you? When it's just you two?" Madison thought about how he was when they were alone. She wouldn't call it friendly.

"Quiet, I guess. He doesn't say much."

"But he talks to you?" Janine's left brow cocked, encouraging Madison to say more. She didn't trust Janine enough. She stuck to being vague.

"Sometimes. Why?" Janine was shaking her head. Her eyes narrowed in suspicion.

"It doesn't make sense," she muttered. Her cryptic mumblings were beginning to irk Madison.

"Spit it out. What are you getting at? What was wrong in there?" Janine stared at her, jumping when the kettle clicked. She didn't reply until she'd finished the drinks, placing one in front of Madison and taking the chair opposite. Janine studied her, like she was trying to figure something out. Madison felt uneasy. It was hard enough dancing around Jase without Janine getting her Scooby-Doo on,

I've never seen him be how he is with you before. I'm worried. I think you should be too."

Madison wasn't worried.

If it hadn't been for Janine's warning, she'd have probably missed it.

Jase liked to play games. His friendliness wasn't for nothing.

And he had been close to playing her so well. His one flaw? It made no sense for him to be that nice, not that soon after she tried to escape. Step in to get her out of a sticky situation to save his neck? Sure, that made sense. Giving her coke, smiling at her, answering questions he'd refused to answer not long prior to that night? That was uncharacteristic behaviour and all Janine did was confirm Madison's suspicions.

He was trying to do to her what she was doing to him. Only Jase was making a mistake by underestimating her.

No one had informed him that she, too, liked to play games.

She gnawed her lip, feigning discomfort. It would do no harm having Janine feed into the character she was playing. At least then, if she felt he was beginning to catch on, maybe having other people believe her front would lead him to doubt any scepticism.

"What do you think he's doing?" Madison asked. Janine looked around as if one of the chrome kitchen appliances would give her a glance into Jase's mind. Unsurprisingly, they all came up short. She sighed.

"I don't know. Sam won't discuss house stuff with me." A dead end. "Just watch yourself around him. This isn't normal."

Madison picked up her mug. "Maybe he's not that bad," she said.

Janine scoffed. "Do you know what he does for this house?" she whispered.

"Picks up and sells girls and drugs," Madison replied. It wasn't as though he kept it a secret. She looked towards the kitchen window they'd had to replace longingly. One day soon, she'd be on the outside again.

Janine rubbed her lips together, sitting back and folding her arms.

"He kills people, Madison. He's a body-man, you know, a heavy? Muscle?" It was a term Madison was familiar with. Body-men did most of the dirty work, disposing of bodies, witnesses, and various other things. Jase obviously had questionable morals but specialising in murder? She hadn't realised how serious Janine was about him being dangerous. Last night ran through her mind. When he'd promised her that there had been no one in the pub.

Had he lied to keep her sweet?

Every time it felt like she took two steps forward, it was another three back. The news made her wind her neck in. Getting cocky now wasn't a good idea. She needed more profile information on Jase to know what she was truly up against and how cunning he was. Janine huffed.

"I don't know what's going on. I don't know if it's because they were paid to get you and told to look after you or what. Just be careful." Madison was already aware of why Jase was how he was with her. One thing she could respect him for was that he had the decency to be somewhat humble. You didn't kick people in the teeth when they stepped in the front of the barrel of a gun for you, so to speak. Taking the wrap the night she'd escaped and not throwing him under the bus meant he was in debt to her, and he acknowledged this by not letting Benny cut her. For that, she was grateful.


What do you think Janine's angle is now? Is she trying to help or just trying to keep the piece? I want to know what you think, tell me in the comments :)

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