Chapter 6

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The six paths of Pein and Nagato's real body stand before Itachi and I, making a triangle. The paths seem to be in shadow even though there's no true lighting. The Uzumaki stands before them, an angry glare being directed at me, then the Uchiha.

"You told her who I am?" He says dangerously, his rinnegan glinting ominously.

Itachi shakes his head. "She already knew. She knows more than should be possible."

Speaking up, I say, "Is it possible to show him just what I know of this world...? And without the migraine?"

Itachi gets a thoughtful look on his face, then says, "I'll show him. Nagato, these are the memories I saw that she has of our world."

Both of them stare into the others' activated dojutsu, and Nagato blinks several times after a few seconds.

"If that's true..." he trails off. "Things must change. Immediately."

"So... Just checking, but you aren't going to try to end the world anymore, right?" I ask nervously. Even if they continued and tried to avoid the original outcome, things would be disastrous.

"Obviously," they simultaneously deadpan. I detect more than a little annoyance/sarcasm in their tones.

"Sorry. I had to make sure. Obito should be next, right? He's the main obstacle, and if you two can see that the future needs fixing, then he should, too..."

They share a concerning glance before all eyes are turned to me. Itachi then says, "I'm not sure if he's able to be reasoned with just yet. It seems to me that Naruto would be the person best suited to fixing his outlook, but he is not experienced enough. It may be better to wait until he puts his plan into motion to confront him."

I furrow my brows, un unidentifiable emotion making me feel despairing. "What about the people that will be killed? Or how Zetsu could find out what we know? What happens if my mere existence changes what should happen and we can't plan for it without more help?"

The two share another unspoken conversation, and this time Nagato is the one who answers.

"Obito is very unstable right now. He is dead set on accomplishing his mission, and I don't think he will react well to what you know. He could very well think that we mixed truth with lies, and will only change his plan enough to ensure it works as he wants it to. He's unlikely to side with us unless we reveal the information at the right time, and now is not that time."

Itachi adds, "We won't be able to save everyone, but I'm sure we can prevent several deaths by knowing what leads to them."

Nagato nods, then continues. "I can also prevent anyone from casting genjutsu on you, so they won't be able to enter your mindscape or search you for information."

I blink. "This is my mindscape...? It's so dull!" I whine. I hadn't thought about it before, but I wished mine were more... interesting.

"Anyway, it would be best if you get closer to the other members, Obito especially. Don't get too close, but try to form some kind of pet-like bond so they are less likely to suspect or kill you. Try not to end up alone with anyone, and you should just sleep in the office so that there is at least one of the Pein paths watching you."

I smile at the red-head, closing my eyes mischievously as I say, "Yes, mother. I promise I'll try not to die too prematurely."

His serious face quickly dampens my humorous mood.

"I don't think that was good timing for a joke," Itachi murmurs.

"Sorry," I mutter, feeling like a small child getting scolded.

"Can you follow our lead and stick to the plan? You are the most at risk, as well as the largest loose end."

I take a deep breath. "I understand."

"Good," Itachi says, and Nagato nods before we leave my mindscape.


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