Chapter 13: Am I doubtful?

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Shayne's POV:
A year had past. Courtney and I are still together. We get a lot of bad remarks in regards of our relationship.
"Eww! Pro cousin relationship!"
"Don't you two cringe on the fact that you're cousins?"
Are just two of the other bad remarks. And to be honest, it's kinda getting right through me, making me doubt Courtney and I's relationship.
"Hey" Courtney pats my back gently
"Uh, hey" I replied with a smile, trying to hide my doubts
"You've been zoning out a lot, is everything alright?" She asked
"Yes, it is... I'm just thinking, you
"Okay. I love you" She said giving me a peck in the lips.
"I love you too" I replied
When she says that and kisses my lips,  it's like a drug that pulls me back. Making me remember the good times and the bad times we had. Making me remember the time I hurt her, the time that I said that I don't love her. I don't want it to happen again, I  don't want to hurt her ever again.
"It is worht it." I thought to  myself

Courtney's POV:
Shayne had been zoning out a loud this past week. Is he having doubts in this relationship? Does he think that what we have isn't worth it?
"What if he does?" I thought to myself
I need some space from Shayne right now.

Shayne's POV:
"Baby, where are you going?" I asked her
"I'm just gonna buy something..." She replied
"Do you want me to come with you?"
"No, I just want to be alone"
"Are you sure?"
"Yes, I'm sure!" She yelled
"I'm sorry for yelling, I just... nevernind" She said
And just like that, she left. Did I do something wrong? Is she alright?
After an hour, she still didn't come back into the office.
"Where could she be?" I thought out loud
"Who, Courtney?" Damien asked
"Yeah. She said she's just going to buy something" I replied
I called her, but she's declining it. I texted her, she didn't replied. I tried everything, but she wouldn't respond.
There is only one thing left to do, go to her apartment...
I was driving, my heart was pounding,  my hands were getting sweaty,  I'm getting sweaty. What if something bad happened to her?
I arrived at her apartment. I immediately knocked on the door.
She opened it right away. She looked at me, then looked downed and sighed. Suddenly a tear fell from her eye.
"What's wrong?" I said as I pulled her into my embrace.
"I...I...I... Are you goimg to leave me?" She said while sobbing
"Why would I leave you?" I said ad I caressed her
"Because you'll get tired of trying to ignore whay other people say, you'll get tired of thinking that they're words don't hurt you" She said as she cried a little more
"If I get tired of it all, that means I'll get tired of loving you too, and I never will stop, I've told you this before, I can never unlove you, you mean so much to me. Why the hell did you think that?"
"I'm sorry, if I doubt you. I should've have think that. I'm so dumb!" She said diving her head on my chest
"You're not dumb, okay? You're just a human being, making mistakes" I said
"I love you Shaynie"
"I love you too Bourtney"

I love you, family. A Shourtney fanfic Where stories live. Discover now