He is Me

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Jacob - " Yes , Victor what happened ? "
Victor - " Jacob , many weird things are happening with me . "
Jacob - " What ? You too are expressing this."
Victor - " What do you mean by  ' you too '  who else is also expressing this things . "
Victor ( to himself ) - " He must be addressing Silas . Silas must have told Jacob about his dream . "
Jacob - " Who else ? It's me . "
Victor ( shocked ) - " What is happening with you . "
Jacob - " I am experiencing this for the first time . I am seeing Callie everywhere I look ."
Victor - " What ? "
Jacob - " Since I first saw Callie , her face has occupied the whole of my brain and I am seeing her everywhere . Even now I am taking to you I can visualise Callie sitting in front of me and is calling out my name . Oh! I forgot to ask what you wanted to tell me ? "
                   [ Victor remained silent ]
Jacob - " Hello , Victor are you there ? "
Victor - " Yes , yes "
Jacob - " What you wanted to tell me ? "
Victor ( to himself ) - " Jacob will not understand what I wanted to tell , so I shouldn't tell him anything . "
Victor - " No , no nothing important . Sorry to disturb you when you were dreaming of Callie . "
Jacob - " Don't call it a dream , Victor . It's my sweetest hallucination I have experienced in my life so far . "
Victor - " Okay then enjoy your  ' sweetest hallucination ' , Good bye ."
Jacob - Good bye and take care , Victor . "
              [ Jacob disconnects the call ]
Jacob is an another gone case after me and Silas . now only Leo is left who is in a condition to use his brain I should have call Leo in place of Jacob . I dialled his number but he has not responded .
Victor - " Why is he not picking up my calls and I can't do anything in this . He must be busy in some work . "
     Then suddenly someone knocked at the door .
Victor - " Who is it ? "
Unknown Voice - " I brought a parcel for you . "
             [ Victor opens  the door ]
Victor - " Parcel , for whom ? "
Delivery men - " It's for Victor . "
Victor - " Give it to me . I am Victor . "
Delivery men - " Kindly sign here after your name . "
    [ Victor signs and goes inside his house ]
I opened the parcel and there was a book with a letter on it which stated , " Victor , this is your past and you can't run away from it ." There was no name mentioned of the sender , but this letter was enough to frightened me and when I was about to open the book my phone starts to ring . It was Leo , who was calling .
        [ Victor picks up the call ]
Victor - " Yes , Leo . Where were you I have tried many times but you didn't respond to my calls . "
Leo  -  " Sorry for the inconvenience . I was cleaning my backyard that is why I couldn't pick up your calls , but now we can talk . "
Victor - " Sorry , brother but I have some urgent work to finish . I'll call you later . "
Leo - " Okay , bye and take care ."
Victor - " Bye bro and take care . "
I had only one urgent work and it was to read this book and to know what's this letter means to say . I went to my study table to read this book in silence when my father called out my name .
Victor's Father - " How was your day today in school ? "
Victor - " Good and yours . "
Victor's Father - " Tiring "
And Victor's Father began to laugh then Victor's mother joins them and said that " The dinner is ready reach the dining table immediately else the food will turn cold . "
Everyone was silent while eating but my mind was forcing me to read that book so I quickly finished my dinner and went to my bedroom to read that book , but the book was missing from the table . I search the whole of my house but still failed to find that book . Along with the book the parcel box which carried the book and the letter were also missing . I was shocked and declared this as my an another false notion but I mind was not willing to accept this as I signed the paper and opened the parcel which contained the letter and the book , so where can they go ? Nobody has entered in my room except me . Finally , I decided to go to bed and sleep and will think about that book tomorrow .
I was tired so I felt asleep in just a few seconds and woke up shouting , " No this is not possible . " I saw Vasilus and his face of just a copy of mine but had some elderly attributes , but how is this possible " He is Me . "

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