Chapter- 1

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A young girl is in labour, her mother is beside her with a doctor and a nurse. After around four hours of excruciating pain and exertion, she gives birth to a boy. The baby reflects the brightness of sun, beautiful lotus shaped eyes with a wide forehead. Just then the girl's father arrives.

"Mother, please let me hold my child for once. I have already promised you that after giving birth to him, I would give him to an orphanage home. But, please just let me hold him once," the young girl said while crying histerically, with an exhausted expression.

The parents of the young girl leads away the doctor and nurse. Both the parents do a silent talk with eachother and they finally agree to give the baby once to their daughter.

"We're allowing you to hold your baby once as you have a right to hold him. But, then Pritha you will have to return the baby to us so that, we can put the baby in orphanage," her father tells her as he gives the baby to her.

Pritha was in awe just as she saw the small baby, her child that she created and carried for nine months in her womb. She kissed the baby's forehead and hugged him, a feeling of calmness settling in her. A few minutes passed and her father took the baby away, while Pritha was crying in agony of not having her child with her.

Pritha's father puts the baby infront of an orphanage named "Radhika Orphanage".

Next day in morning the baby was found by a girl and immediately taken to the head. The head of the orphanage was a lady named Renuka, who was huge fan of Mahabharat. The second she glanced at the beautiful baby drooling in her arms seemingly unaffected by his stay under the open night sky. She was reminded of Karna. Thus, she named the baby boy, Karna.


A boy around 19 years was walking though an almost college corridor, he looked perfect even though his clothes looked kinda shabby and patched up. He was wearing a faded jeans which seemed to have seen better days. He was quite tall and his hairs weren't styled. He seemed like a normal though quite tall boy trudging though the corridors with books. He was about to turn left towards his head of departments office but he stumbled upon something and fell down on the hard cold ground.

Groaning in pain, he searched for his source of downfall and swallowed his burning ire watching the group of snickering boys surrounding him.

"Aww, is Itsy bitsy poor little goody shoes hurt?"

"Did the bad floor hurt you?"

"Don't you worry baby, we will take your revenge"

The hyena clowns completed each other sentences in perfect sync. Well, they weren't exactly called the hyena clowns it's what he calls them. They are generally and popularly known as the badboys of the college. He hated them and they are currently talking to him in a baby voice making a show of stomping on the floor in a righteous act of punishing the floor.

Clowns!! Did they finally lose their mental balance? He will be all too pleased to call the mental hospital if it's so. But for the time being he just demanded flatly from them.

"What do you want?"

"What do we want?" The first began.

"Let me think," The second followed making a whole show of thinking very hard.

"Why did you complaint to the HOD?" The third demanded with a scornful expression, acting like this whole ordeal was making him impure or something.

"What?" he asked them feeling totally bewildered. He hadn't complained to anyone. Even when he wanted to do just that from his first year. He hadn't. He couldn't afford it. He knew if he complained against these clowns his hostel life would have been a hell.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 12, 2021 ⏰

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