˚#1 - Braxton˚

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Author Note : This is set in the 1850's. I'll be using a Bolded font for making comments on the character.

Fandom : None

Name : Sadie Braxton (Braxton)

Nicknames : Shortie, Goblin Man, The-Feral-Creature-That-Lives-In-Our-Shed
Love those nicknames

Age : 15

Gender : Male (Trans)

Pronouns : He/Him & They/Them

Sexuality : Asexual / Pan-romantic

Appearance : 5" - Short, tangled, auburn curly hair - Freckles all over the face and shoulders - Hazel Eyes - Dark, puffy rings around his eyes from lack of sleep - 46kg - Round Glasses, Triangle Face, Fairly Small Build - Usually wears a Victorian Style Lab Coat, or a grey waist coat with black pants
Okay, I love how you put such detail into describing him. I don't always see this much detail, and you did a really good job on this. It gives a clear picture, and from what I can tell, he looks great.

Personality : This boy is almost always paranoid about something, he is usually very cautious around new people and will often be suspicious of their 'true intentions'. Although his paranoia gets noticeably a lot worse when he doesn't get enough sleep. He is weirdly decisive and specific and if he gets an idea in his head he will almost always do it. He is ambitious, almost to an unhealthy degree and will lock himself in his lab and deprive himself of self care until he gets the answer he wants. He adores science (especially chemistry and biology) and 'seeing how things tick'. However he's not very good at understanding other people's emotions but he is getting better at it. He is generally a very curious person and will ask a lot of questions. He is also quite selfish and usually only has his best interests in mind, if there was a fire for example he would just flee without even giving the other people in the building a second thought. He is usually quiet and serious and his sense of humor is tinged with a fair bit of satire. Even though he likes to think of himself as logical he can often have a hard time regulating his own emotions. He is very aware of this and often tries to hide them or block them out. This can sometimes lead to emotional outbursts and sort-of-kind of tantrum/meltdown type things. He can be a bit bratty and a little childish at times such as if he messes up he'll immediately pin the blame on someone else. If he doesn't like you he will make it known through passive aggressive comments and indirectly insulting you. He is a little prideful and has a distaste for asking for help.
I keep getting just- aH- the detail- Its brilliant how it's not just 'bubbly, warm, kind-hearted' and really describes the character. You, sir/ma'am, have brilliant skills in that. I really do like how those flaws are listed as well, and little things like 'asking lots of questions'.

Relationships w/ Other Characters :
Harriet Braxton (younger sister): Harriet is the only family member he has mostly good memories with, he loves his sister a lot. She's also the only family member that he will still send letters to. (She hides them from their parents and will occasionally send one back just to assure him she's okay and doing well.) His decision has actually swayed their relationship a bit and she kind of feels like he abandoned her without even saying goodbye, she also kinda wishes he would write to her more

Millie Braxton (mother): He occasionally misses his mother but he wasn't that close to her like he was with his sister so he usually ignores the occasional nag of guilt in the back of his conscience for leaving. His mother (before the incident) was always very nice to him but was also off in her own world and came off as a little distant.

Howard Braxton (father): He doesn't miss his father, he was always working or in his study writing papers so Braxton never really saw or talked to him.

Blair Velden (love interest): Blair pisses Braxton off a little bit, with her insane daredevil personality and her absolute inability to think things through. Other than that they do actually get along most of the time. Blair is one of the few people that will actually listen to Braxtons ideas and seems fairly interested in what he has to say. She's actually one of the few people he gets along with because of her open mindedness. So it wasn't much of a surprise when he developed a bit of crush on her. Quite ironic seeing as in his opinion romance is stupid and shouldn't exist yet he still keeps following Blair around like some lovesick puppy. Blair is completely oblivious to this and sees him as her younger brother (despite them being roughly the same age).

Tommy Velden (friend?): Braxton doesn't really get along with Tommy but puts up with him since he's Blairs older brother unfortunately lives in their house. Tommy is basically the opposite of him and is very extroverted, respectable and annoyingly prissy also he makes a lot of really bad dad jokes and puns. And Braxton is maybe a little jealous of the other boys ability to easily make friends and talk to people.

prof. Velden (mentor also Blairs dad): Braxtons mentor, it is very hard to earn the respect of Braxton seeing as he has very little faith in anyone outside himself however prof. Velden is an exception and is one of the few people Braxton admires and respects. At first he was a little hesitant at trusting him but after time he gradually warmed up to the man.

Is there even anything bad I can find about this? For one, it's great how we get to know some of their relationships in the past and present. As well as this, you gave great reason as to why Braxton is interested in Blair. With some OCs I don't really see that.

Backstory :

Currently won't include this since the author is re-writing it, and I don't wanna judge old work :p

Overall, would give him a 10/10. Totally great writing and layout, as well as all the small details!

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