˚#3 - Ezra ˚

25 0 1

Fandom: None

Name: Ezra/Ezzy Kness


Nicknames: Anxiety the snowman

Age: 22

Pronouns: they//him//hers

A better format for pronouns might be She/He/They, but that's  just me being a grammar police

Sexuality: pansexual+Demisexual

Appearance: Ezra/Ezzy has milk chocolate-ity brown hair. He//they//she has really messy bangs, the bangs almost reach there//her//his eyes. Ezra/Ezzy has a very small torso but huge hips. They//he//she almost always wears a turtle-neck and combat boots.

Personality: Ezra/Ezzy is a quite shy and introverted person, but around close friends they//he//she becomes very giddy. He'll//they'll//she'll become especially excited if you mention fashion and/or art.

Relationships: For a non-social person Ezra/Ezzy has a pretty good amount of friends. The main 2 are:
× Landon
Landon is a cis-male, whom is VERY short. He hates his name so he is called L or London, Ezra/Ezzy calls him Psychopath Which he is not very fond of
Julian is an cis-male whom is very emotional, he's a bit obsessed with wolves Ezra/Ezzy calls him Wolfie.

With this, it would've been cool to have more about Ezra's actual friendships with them.

Mental issues: •Depression •A.V.P.D •S.A.D •ADHD

Props for the more unique mental-stuff. Never seen a character sheet with SAD on it before, and AVPD isn't common to find on ref sheets.

Backstory: There//his//her backstory is basically super supportive parents and a bunch of gender dysphoria.

Would've been nice for more detail, but I can understand if it was simple and you didn't feel like writing it lol

Other Side-Notes:
•Ezra/Ezzy's aesthetic is vintage/pastel
•he//they//she wants to be a guidance counselor when There//she//he is older
•normally Ezra/Ezzy's temperature is 4 Notches ( or whatever it's called ) below the normal temperature
•before Ezra/Ezzy realized and came out as gender-fluid they//he//she came out as trans (FTM)

Overall 8/10. The main downsides are the actual writing rather than the character. The constant use of  'They//She//He' confuses me and makes it a bit cluttered. I would suggest either switching between pronouns, sticking with one or using their name/commas more. There's also some mistakes with the 'theres/theys/thems/theirs', you seem to use 'There' instead of 'Their', which is a common error anyway.
The character in itself is pretty awesome, it's mainly only the writing layout that got it down

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 21, 2020 ⏰

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