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Peter swung by your window. It was his normal routine to swing by your window and check upon you. Sometimes, when there was not much going on in the neighbourhood, you both would sit and chat or sometimes use this time to *make out* wipe the drink or food of your lips using your lips.

Tonight, when he entered your room, he found his girlfriend on her study table, asleep. You still had your headphones on.

As he got closer, he saw your textbooks, flash cards and notes, all scattered out in a mess. Your laptop was still on, a video on one of the midterm exam topics still going on.

He realised that you were working a little too hard for the midterm exams this time. His 'Peter tingle' also sensed that you were beyond exhausted. He slowly lifted you up in bridal style and carried you to your bed. He tucked the sheets comfortably to your chest.

He cleared your table for you, stacking your textbooks and the other stuff neatly. He shut down your laptop.

He again came to your bedside, giving you a loving gaze as you muttered his name fondly in your sleep. He gave you a kiss on your forehead.

He quickly scribbled out a note and kept it in your bedside table,beside your phone.

"Found you sleeping on your table. I tidied up the place. Hope you don't mind. You are going to ace midterms, I know it and so does my 'Peter tingle'. Don't work too hard. Take care❤️

- Peter[Your spidey:)]"

He gave you a kiss on your lips, and swung out of your room, to proceed with his patrolling.

The end.

Peter Parker one-shotsWhere stories live. Discover now