Peter has a crush on you and the avengers help him

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↣So we all know that Peter is very awkward when it comes to crushes.

↣He just gets so nervous around you. Like even making small talk makes him a bundle of nerves.

↣Only Ned knows about this.

↣He has tried to motivate him so many times, convincing him that you'll like him.

↣You guys talk, become friends, but he cannot bring up the topic of liking you at all.

↣So he decides to let it be.

↣One day, while he's chilling with the avengers at the tower, Tony casually brings up the topic of relationships and asks about everyone's dating life.

↣Steve just recounts about the good ol' days with Peggy, goes all blushy, where everyone teases him.

↣Tony is just rambling about his date nights with Pepper.

↣Nat and Bruce are just lovey dovey and all.

↣Thor is just sitting and chilling with a glass of beer and some snacks.

↣When Tony asks Peter, he just goes all red. He doesn't really know what to say, Wanda reads his mind and asks, "who's (y/n)?"

↣Peter's like "don't read my mind!"

↣But, he eventually tells them about you, how pretty you are, how you help him, how you smile and talk to him.

↣Tony is like 'aww my baby's in love!'

↣They all give him suggestions to ask you out.

↣Tony suggests buying flowers, taking you on a tour of the tower(as you're a massive fan of the avengers). Perhaps bringing you to a party he will host as Peter's date.

↣Where everyone would get a chance to tease the poor guy.

↣Steve suggests taking in mind of your likes and dislikes, and maybe just have a simple date with pizza and movies and stuff.

↣Nat agrees with Steve, to keep it simple, also adding that he should treat his lady right.

↣So he goes for the simple date suggestion by Steve, while Tony is secretly pissed he didn't take his suggestion

↣But he offers to at least help him ask you out, to which Peter agrees, knowing how awkward he might get.

↣The next day, during lunch time, Peter calls you, saying it's something urgent.

↣When you meet up with him near his locker, you are astonished to see the Tony Stark standing casually beside him.

↣He's like,'hey, Peter's told all about you, you're (y/n) right?' and you manage to stammer a feeble 'yes'.

↣He tells about how Peter told that you are his fan, also that he mentioned you're pretty, which makes the both of you blush.

↣And when he goes to attend a fake call (actually meant for eavesdropping on the two of you), you are like,'so you think I'm pretty?'

↣He's stammering'yea..yeah. I was just wondering if you would go out with me? I mean it's ok if you don't. I just really like you a lot and just wanted to ask, but I understand if you don't like me that way and...'

↣He is cut off with a pair of lips on his, which shuts him up just about right. Pulling away from that short,sweet peck you gave him, he's blushing even harder, while you feel like your heart may burst out of you.

↣'So, is that a yes?'

↣'Yes, Peter! I'd love to go on a date!'

↣Tony just hoots at you two, glad that you're together, which embarrassed the both of you, but made you giggle too.

↣You bid your goodbyes to Tony and go back for your next class, hand in hand, while Tony stares at his almost like son like a proud dad, before leaving to tell the avengers about it.

The end

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