Strange News

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We got into our car and drove off. I was so excited that I did not notice sadness on the faces of our parents.

“Where are we going? What country is it? Is it Egypt?”

I asked so many questions but no one answered. But childhood is childhood. I kept on asking:

“How long will it take to reach there?”

Sister replied this time:
“It would be quite a long journey. But it would be fun. The two of us can play during the journey.”

Playing was all that I wanted and it was all my pleasure. I asked my father to turn on the radio and listen to a story. But instead he turned on news. Oh NEWS! I don’t know what’s so interesting in news. Only a woman or man keeps on saying something senseless that I don’t understand.

To my surprise the news was short and in a different manner. It was almost one to two sentences then finish. But it still was senseless. They said something like:

“The Teki Union troops have invaded our country. We will try our best to stop them for your sake. The government wishes for its citizens a peaceful future.”

What Teki Union troops?! What invaded? Doesn’t make sense! Stop them? Are they stopping people to come and enjoy the beauty of our country? How rude!

Only if my father was not angry I would have asked him again to turn on the radio, again.

Elder sister (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now