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We stayed in the wardrobe till evening which was almost half a day. When we could hear no more sounds, we came out and saw a terrible scene. There were people lying dead everywhere. The windows and doors of houses were broken and there were no cars on the road, the enemy must have taken them.

Holding hands, we walked over the peoples bodies and hastily looked here and there to find our parents but we didn’t see them. We went in houses and around the houses but they were nowhere to be found. We even tried to find them in the bodies lying on the ground but all was in vain.

During our restless search we found a baby boy in his mother’s hands. She died while saving her child. My sister picked up the baby and made him comfortable. We found two more boys hiding beside a house. They looked scared, of course they were. We talked to them, their names were Rabi and Rashi. They also lost their parents but while searching the dead bodies we found their parents.

It was very sorrowful. The boys started crying and so did the baby. Because of the loud sounds of crying I started to cry too.

Till night we had had our dinner from a shop whose keeper was no longer there because of the war. My sister completed the story of the boy who ate too much cheese. And soon we all went to sleep.

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