Chapter 2: Changes

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I woke up with a massive headache. I felt like I had been hit by a bus. I had bruises all over my body. I look around the room to realize that I'm in the hospital. Why was I here? I thought to myself as I tried to sit up. I see my best friend Hannah sleeping like a baby in the small, green chair beside the bed. "Hannah! Hannah! Wake up!" I was curious as to why my parents weren't here. I figured they would be here since I'm in the hospital. Hannah was soon at my side holding my hand. "Do you remember anything?" I simply shook my head. "You called 911. You came home and your parents were dead on the ground with blood everywhere. Someone hit you with a brick and you were passed out. The person started beating you while you were passed out and that explains all the bruises. Right before 911 got there, the man had left. You've been in the hospital for 2 days now. Your parent's funeral was yesterday. I'm so sorry Ally." Hannah then began wiping the tars off her face and that made me realize that I was crying too. This couldn't be real. "They found a note that you were holding in your hand. Do you want to read it?" I slowly nod my hand and take the note from Hannah.
" Our sweet Ally... We are very sorry that we left. There have been some things going on that are better left untold. We love you very much. Don't ever forget that. You were our world and if we could take back these past few months, we would. It's our fault you are now without parents. You will be staying with your father's friend from high school. They have a son your age and he goes to school with you. They are the Moore's. They will take care of you until you are out of high school and then you can go where you want. We love you and always will.
       Your parents."

I felt tears streaming down my face again. I couldn't believe my parents were gone and I would be staying with people I don't even know. All I have left is my best friend.

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