Chapter 13: Spring Break

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      I woke up Monday morning after going shopping Sunday and breaking up with Eric. With all that going on I forgot it was Spring Break for the next week.

      I look at the clock that says 10:00 am. So I get out of bed and head downstairs. I see Eric's mom in the kitchen and she smiles at me and I smile back and look to my left for my smile to be ruined by Eric. He was sitting down looking at a list. "Hunny make sure you have everything before you leave with John. He is leaving for break?

      John then walks into the house with Hannah. "Hey man. Can Hannah please come with us? She really wants to go. Ally can even come with us." I look up at Hannah and give her a dirty look knowing she didn't tell John what happened. "Yeah she can go. So can-"

"Um no. Actually I just want to stay home this break. Just be alone." All three of them look at me with weird looks "okay. If that's what you want. I'm going to go upstairs and make sure I have everything. I'll meet yall outside." Eric tells me with a sad look on his face.

     They left about 15 minutes later. Eric's mom also told me that his dad and her will be out of town this week. So it is just me this week.


   It's now Friday morning. I literally have done nothing but sleep, eat, and watch Netflix this whole week. But today feels weird. Like something is going to happen. Today is also the day when Hannah, John, and Eric come back.

    I hear the door open downstairs. I run out of bed thinking it was them but before I got to the end of the stairs I heard two deep voices talking. "Where is she?" Asked one of them. "Go see of she is upstairs!" I run up to my room and lock the door. I grab my phone off my nightstand and run into the closet. I call Eric. "Hello?" He asked annoyed. "Help me! Help me! They're here! They are in the house! They are gonna kill me! Help m-" Fuck. My phone died. I start crying but stop when I hear my door getting busted down. I yelp and look throw the slits in my closet door. I see a man walk to my school books and start writing something.

     The man stops and looks toward the closet. He starts walking closer and closer. The closer he got I backed up. I ran into my shelf and a few pairs of shoes fall on the floor. The closet door then swung open and I see the man who was dressed in all black. Suddenly everything does black and I feel something hard hit my head and knock me on the ground.

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