WHeRe iS tHe BLeAcH

439 8 7

Sangar's POV

Finally I had some peace and quiet, and time to myself. Everyone was at the party, no annoying cousin, no weird friends. I heard something coming from upstairs, like, thudding and people and stuff so I grabbed one of JD's knives...it's normal that he has those, right? You can never be too careful.

Oh right, so. I took one and held it firmly in my hands while walking up the stairs quickly, but quietly. I had to go to the bathroom anyways so that was a plus.

If anyone got in, I don't know how. JD's window was normally locked as hard as he could lock it, and mine was too. So it would be pretty hard to get in from the window...All the windows are locked really. Why am I singling ours out?

Anyway. I came upstairs, armed, ready to kick some ass. If needed, of course. I'm not ruthless like JD.

I tried to find where the noise was coming from, and came to the top of the stairs, close enough to hear that the noises were coming from none other than JD's room. I swung open the door as quickly as my arms would let me, and there they were, my new best friend and my cousin...I'm not going to continue that sentence.

"Oh shit, Sangar!" JD yelled and quickly covered himself and Y/N up with the blanket.

I screamed and slammed the door. Okay, where is the bleach? Where is the god freaking damn bleach???

I sprinted into the bathroom, ready to murder someone if needed. I can't tell what's worse, the fact that Y/N fricked my cousin or that he fricked her. Worst comes to worst, just murder 'em both.

I came out of the bathroom, after a pretty long while, and pounded on JD's door loudly.

"Sorry..." Y/N said, as she opened the door. She was wearing clothes, thank God.

"What the hell?" I fumed.

"Sorry..." Y/N repeated. JD was walking over to the door. You could tell he regretted it.

"Jason Dean, why did you just frick my best friend?!?!" I yelled.

"S-She's drunk..........a-and..." JD scratched the back of his head. I flicked him on the top of his head and slammed the door shut.

"So just because a random girl is drunk you're going to make out with her," I said. "Got it. What's wrong with you both?"


"Yes, yes it is," I said flatly. "You're the only one who touches the lock. Besides, you two making out has nothing to do with the window lock. And Y/N, why?"

"CUS I'M A DEAD GIRL WALKING!" Y/N yelled, clearly still drunk.

I sighed. "Y/N, you're going home. Now."

"You don't own this house and you don't tell anyone to leave!" JD yelled at me.

"Well, then," I said, "You leave too. You don't own the house either, do you?" JD shuffled his feet, looking down. "Yeah, I thought so.Y/N, come on." Y/N was too drunk to even move herself. I shoved her a bit, planning on chucking her down the stairs if she didn't move. Y/N tripped. I dragged her across the floor until we got to the top of the stairs.

"I will throw you down there," I threatened, looking back at JD, who had a horrified expression on his face. "Both of you. I'm not afraid to." Y/N didn't move. I kicked her gently, if you can call that gently, towards the first stair. Y/N walked down the stairs and left, finally.

"Oh, so now you can walk," I muttered, turning towards JD. "Your turn. Leave." Holding his head down, JD walked shamefully down the stairs.

"And you better not make out in the car too!" I called at them, waving my fist. As they left the house I went to the kitchen to go find bleach.

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