The Cafe

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Sanga's POV

I took a deep breath as I entered the café. Had Taylor found out already? Of course she did, she was Miss Know-It-All. I should have known that she'd figure it out.

I spotted her at a table, latte in one hand and a book in the other. After another deep breath, testing my voice a little to make sure I didn't sound anxious, I briskly walked over to the table and took the opposite seat.

"Hey Sangar," Taylor said, marking the page and closing her book. "I need to tell you something."

I sighed. "What is it?" I tried to convince myself that it was nothing to worry about. Guess how that worked out.

Taylor looked around before leaning in and whispering, "I think JD killed Heather. And I think Y/N got dragged into it."

"W-What makes you think that?" I stammered.

"Heere," she said. She handed me her phone. It was open to a google doc with a mini essay on it.

"Good Lord, is this college formatted?" I grumbled, scanning the pages. It was her evidence that JD killed Heather. I had to admit, her theory did sound solid. Except for one thing.

"I know JD," I reminded her. "Inside and out. Wouldn't I know if he were up to something? I've lived with him and his dad for years and not once has he shown any signs of being a psychopath." I pinched myself for being too specific. Taylor was onto him, which was dangerous for all of us, not just within our little group.

"He hasn't?" Taylor said, raising his eyebrows. "Because I've noticed about fifteen little things that are off about him. Things that are fine on their own, but when you put them together..." she left the statement hanging.

"He spends too much time at Seven-Eleven to even get a chance to come up with anyone to kill," I half-joked. "Besides, wouldn't we all be dead by now? And why would he want to kill Heather Chandler? Sure, she's a pompous assh*le but wouldn't someone else have already killed her if she was really that bad? Of course, I don't know, I haven't been Heere for long but she hasn't really done anything that the 'bad kids' at any of my old schools have done."

"Well, she hates Y/N and was most likely coming up with a plan to ruin her life when she died," Taylor said.

"And why was she planning to ruin her life?" I challenged. "We don't know what she was thinking. And if I were an ignorant wh*re I'd kill myself too. I say we give it some time. Think it through for a while. There's a reason behind everything, I'm sure." Please believe me, please believe me, please believe me, I begged silently.

Taylor hesitated. "If I didn't know better, Sanja," she said quietly, almost to herself. "I'd think that you were trying to cover up for him." And with that, she stood up and left, leaving her book and latte at the table. My audience with Miss Know-It-All was over.

I looked at the book she had been reading. The Outsiders. I almost laughed aloud. The book was just like our school. The Heathers were Soc's, Heather C being Bob in particular. Ponyboy, Y/N. I was Cherry, maybe, new to the story. JD was Dally. But where, I wondered, did Taylor fit in? But even as I thought, I realized I already knew the answer.

Taylor was Johnny. The smart one. And the one who dies in the end.

Hey look I updated ;-;

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