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At lunchtime the following Monday, Robert and I were talking quietly over our cold cafeteria food when Ky stalked over and abruptly dumped her stuff onto the table, startling us both out of our conversation.

"Well?" she hissed, resting her hands on her hips. Her eyes were narrowed in anger, and her brows were lowered over her dark gaze. "I'm waiting."

Robert and I exchanged nervous glances.

"Er..." I hesitated, picking awkwardly at my food. "What...Um, what is it you're waiting for-"

"Don't give me that," Ky cut in, clearly fuming. She dropped into the nearest chair and fixed us each with a piercing scowl. "Don't play dumb."

"Ky," Robert sighed, "we really don't know what you're talking about-"

"The party!" Ky threw her hands into the air, as though it were obvious. "Of course I'm talking about the party!"

Robert frowned. "What about it?"

"What about-What about-" Ky's mouth opened and closed, words dying on her lips. "What about it?"

"Yeah. What about it?"

She let out an exasperated sigh and pressed her fingers to her forehead. "How could you go to a party-Kyle Barker's party-and not even tell us?!"

"Oh," I said at once, clarity rushing in. "Oh, okay. That's why you're mad."

"Yes," Ky cried, "that's why I'm mad!"

"Why?" Robert asked blankly.

"Because you just went to that party out of nowhere," Ky exclaimed. "And-and you didn't even ask Martin and I if we wanted to come, or if we would be your designated drivers...We could've looked out for you!" She ran an agitated hand through her cropped blue hair, but there was real pain in her voice, and I instantly felt guilty.

"Ky...We didn't mean to hurt you," I protested. "Really. We didn't think you guys would want to go."

Ky blinked up at me through long, dark lashes. "Why would you think that?"

"Hmm, let me think." Robert rubbed at his chin, frowning in mock thought. "Why would we possibly think that?"

"What does that mean?" Ky snapped, bristling.

"Robert," I pleaded in a low voice. "Don't."

"No," Ky insisted, "No, I want to know what Robert was going to say."

Robert scowled at his feet, jaw clenched. "Nothing," he muttered finally, through gritted teeth. "Doesn't matter."

"No go on, tell me. What were you-"

"Hey, guys!" Martin called cheerfully, setting down his tray. He grinned broadly at us, but his smile began to fade as he noticed the tension hanging in the air. "What's going on?"

Ky waited a moment before answering. "I was just telling our friends how sad we were to be excluded from their party plans-"

"Aw, come on, Ky," Martin said, sliding into a seat beside her. "Don't bug them about that. It doesn't matter."

"But, Martin," Ky muttered, lowering her voice, "you were upset too. I could see it in your face."

"I'm fine, really." Martin waved her off, and his voice was so sincere, his expression so calm and nonchalant, that I almost believed him.

"Martin," I began, feeling guilt twist my stomach, "I'm sorry. I didn't-"

"Oh, for god's sake," Robert cut in suddenly. "Who cares. It was one party. You guys are constantly off doing other things, so don't you dare-"

He broke off, seeming to think better of what he was about to say.

There was a minute of silence. A horrible, nauseatingly awkward minute of silence.

And then Robert stood from the table, grasping his tray. "Whatever. Just don't expect Alyx and I to be all buddy-buddy with you. Not when you're too busy for us now."

- - - -

I caught up with Robert again after school.

Since we hadn't had any classes together after lunch, I hadn't seem him since, and I'd spent the rest of the day in a state of agitation. Why was our group fighting so much? All I wanted for us to get along, to be as close as we used to be.

What could I do to ensure that?

As I approached Robert's locker that afternoon, I practiced the things I could say to him in my head. Thought of all the ways I could make this better.

But before I could even open my mouth, Robert said "I don't want to talk about it."

"That's fine." I shrugged casually, leaning against his locker door. "That's perfectly o-kay."

I only lasted a few minutes.

"But why, though?"


"I get it," I cut in quickly. "I mean, I get that you're mad at Martin and Ky. But...Why?"

Robert sighed heavily and shut his door, causing me to flinch backward. "I just-I'm sick of them not prioritising us, you know? They always seem to have something better to do."

I fidgeted anxiously, shifting my weight my foot to foot. "They're trying. They do try."

"I know." Robert drew a hand over his face, looked at the ceiling, sighed again. "Of course I know that. I do."

He started to walk away, heading for the exit.

"Robert?" I called after him, alarmed. "Is everything okay?"

He paused, glancing over a shoulder. "I just...need some time. I can't be around those two right now."

I contemplated calling after him again, but in the time it took me to decide, Robert was gone. And then I was left to stand there, alone by my friend's locker, staring after him even after he'd disappeared from sight.

I felt hollowed out. And tired. This wasn't the way it was supposed to be. This wasn't right.

What could I do now?

My phone buzzed before I could even begin to tackle that question.

'You doing anything right now?' Cash asked.

'No,' I texted back immediately.

'Good. Meet me in the parking lot.'

'Right now?'

'Right now.'

A/N: Thanks for reading! If you're enjoying so far, please leave a vote and/or a comment :)

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