Into the woods

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I slowly opened the door and snuck inside quietly. Bread....bread...bread....ahha! I went to grab and heard a man. "Hey you! Stop right there!" He yelled and I grabbed the bread and ran. "Stop! She's just a young girl!" I heard his wife yelled as I tripped. He grabbed my arm and pulled me back. "Help! Help! Somebody!" I called out but by then he had shut the door. "I wasn't for me it was for my granny in the woods!" I sang and he laughed. "Oh please!" He said and I held onto the bread. "She's sick in bed, for all I know she's already dead, please just let me goooooo no one has to knooooow" I sang and his wife came up. "Let the poor girl go, don't act so low, here you go" she sang handing me a basket of bread. "Thank you! A nice women who just got robbed, thank you ma'am oh and bob, please,a mint you could use one!" I sang running out as they both followed. "Get her! The girl!" They yelled and I seen a man step in front of me. I was backing up getting corner when a hand grabbed mine and I was pulled away and straight into the woods. I looked up and noticed a boy about my age. "Who are you?" I asked when we stopped running. "I'm Jack. Who are you?" He asked and I sat down grabbing a piece of bread and eating it. "I'm Lilla" I said as he pulled me up. "He is most likely coming. Come now we must hurry" he said and we started walking. I walked across the path to where granny had died years ago. "Okay you should be alright. Goodbye Lilla" Jack said and began running away. "Goodbye Jack!" I waved and continued walking. "Good day little girl" I heard a voice say and I turned to see a wolf. "Good day Mr. Wolf" I said with food in my mouth. "Where are you off to?" He asked and I thought for a moment. "I'm looking for a family....." I said and he chuckled. "The only family that you could get out here is the girl in the tower" he said and I sat down by him. "Continue please. Here bread?" I asked and he literally devoured it. "This girl has long blonde hair, about 70 feet long, she lives with her mother or the witch, the evil witch" he said which was sparking my curiosity. "Thank you Mr. Wolf" I said and sat up. He seemed hungry....I sighed and handed him my basket. "You need it more than me" I said and smiles before skipping away. "Thank you.." He said and I nodded. "Into the woods to a young blonde girl, I haven't met her so not for sure, hope she's mother worthy! Hope she isn't like 40...." I sang and smiled. I hope she's mother worthy.
Not long cause it's just an intro. What's your thoughts?!?! Don't forget to share vote and comment!

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