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Eren sauntered into the detention room from the front entrance, placing his phone on the desk with a quiet tap. Both Mueller and Levi were late today but they would show eventually. He was strangely optimistic about today given the unmitigated success of the previous session.

Well, maybe not completely unmitigated.

Eren hadn't really intended on bouncing the basketball for as long as he did, he needed to use half a tub of icy hot just to get to bed last night, but when he saw how irritated it made Levi he simply refused to back down. 

Maybe he didn't have such a great personality.

He sat down right in the middle of the desk Levi occupied and smiled cheerfully as Mr. Mueller huffed into the room. Someone really needed to check that man's blood pressure, who sweat that much in December? 

Levi was the last to arrive and Eren tried to look nonchalant, leaning back against the windowsill. He entered the room without looking and stalked up the central aisle to drop his phone on the teacher's desk. His outfit was over the top, as usual. He wore a long (probably "vintage") army green trench coat complete with aged brass buttons that swept down dramatically to his ankles. He wore black skinny jeans tucked into high laced boots that looked like they could break someone's jaw if directed properly. When he turned, the jacket flared open and Eren could see he was wearing some sort of black, cowl-like turtleneck underneath that was loosely laced like some sort of corset. 

Eren bit his lip but quickly looked away. He still thought Levi looked everyday was some kind of steampunk costume party, but he had to grudgingly admit the guy had style. Feeling self conscious all of a sudden as Levi stalked forward, he fiddled with his basketball, twirling it on the tip of his finger like one of the Harlem Globetrotters, doing his best to appear casual. He could do a lot of tricks with a basketball when he could focus. 

He didn't look up again until Levi was right in front of him. He glanced to the side, straight at the center of Levi's chest and the ball wobbled, so he snatched it down. It would look more deliberate than dropping it. He met Levi's eyes tentatively and neither of them said a word. It was a strange perspective to look at the other man from since when they were both standing he towered over him. Not that Levi was particularly short...everyone was short to him. Except Mike and Reiner...they made him feel like a newborn baby. 

There was something different about Levi today and he had to study him for a moment before it clicked. No makeup. Or at least, very little, because how could anyone's eyelashes be that thick? Without his ever present eyeliner, Levi's dusky lashes really stood out, practically brushing his pale cheeks. He also hadn't noticed before, but the other boy had a definite Asian cast to his features, not pronounced enough to be full blooded, but he was at least mixed race. He had dark circles under his eyes which looked so natural that it was obvious he usually covered them with makeup. It didn't look just looked real. Eren found himself staring at Levi's naked lips, which looked soft and inviting when they weren't covered with paint. 

Unbidden, the word 'handsome' popped into Eren's mind. Why would somebody this attractive cover their natural face? 

While they stared at each other, He momentarily forgot that sitting in the center of the other boy's desk had been specifically to annoy him. Levi huffed and stepped around his legs, pulling out the chair and plopping down into it, unfazed that he was sitting on the desk. Levi started to reach for his bag, probably to pull out the ever present sketch pad, but thought the better of it, eyeing the basketball with thinly disguised disgust. 

"If I don't draw today will you not bounce the damn ball?" 

Eren thought for a moment and then nodded. He felt awkward and childish sitting on the desk especially since Levi hadn't risen to the bait. He didn't particularly want to repeat his performance from yesterday, his muscles were still aching, and this gave him a graceful 'out'. He slid surreptitiously down onto the chair in front of Levi's desk and straddled it, putting the basketball between himself and the seat back and folding his arms in front of him. They were facing each other but Levi didn't look at him. He stared past him, his pale eyes focused on the street outside the window. 

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