4th Chapter

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capitolo 4 

-Chars, go alone, please, I'll say I don't feel well, it's okay, I accept it, okay? Go, I know that mario would like this. Okay? I Just bother everyone.

What? What is she saying? What has happened? I decide to go to her.

I hold her tight, when she starts crying I make signal to Charlotte to go away.


Strong arms hold me kindly, I turn and I see mario, I blurt crying.

-darling, what's happening? If i Invited you, it's because I like staying neear to you. Don't say something like these anymore, okay? Go, and get changed. Come on.

Arrived at the party, everybody was around. i hold tight mario's hand, and I try to hide as possible as I can.

His hands, answer by crossing their fingers with mine. I look at him, at how beautiful he is, and I realize how happy he makes me. I look at him, at his eyes, that are looking at the room, full room. To look then at me. His arms hold me a little bit tighter.


But no one of them, had, the courage to say 'ehi, i feel something for you' even if Mario 

tried many times, but her, innocent soul, couldn't notice the meaning of the words said by the guy with hazel eyes.

'you and I could be a beautiful couple, we like chocolate.' chocolate, what an innocent and funny excuse. 'beautiful couple', what a beautiful excuse to allude to a possible future event.


I decide to go out, air is getting more and more annoying, and girls started talking behind famous people.

I sit outside. On a purple and cute seat. I start noticing how beautiful stars are, full of sparkle but at the same time unreachable.


A hoarse voice interrupts me. I turn and I notice some eyes sweet as honey that are starring at me.


I exclaim touching my head.

-what are you doing here alone? Charlotte is inside, she's joking with Mats, why didn't you stay?

-mh, Let's say I don't like people who are inside of that room. Okay? I love staying on my own, Thinking about things I haven't done, but I should have, looking at the stars, realizing how beautiful they are, but properly we cannot reach them.

I blurt starting crying. 

Mario's hands pose on my cheeks.

-Babs, my little princess, what's happening? You can tell it to me, what is unsettling you so much? what does make you so disconsolate, what princess, what?

Whispers touching lightly my lips with his. 

His cute lips coddle softly mine, making them an only thing. First kiss, first real kiss, only kiss my lips have ever lived, firs lips i've ever felt.

Awkward I move, going bright red.

-maybe, if I will be able to, and if time will let me, I'll tell you everything.

I whisper looking into his eyes.

-I'm waiting, and I'll do it forever. Okay?

Says the guy with innocent eyes coddling my cheek. 

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