2nd chapter second part.

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2nd Chapter-2nd part.


I slam against someone. What's he doing here? Has he heard everything? What if he heard everything? What a fool of myself. I go bright red, I can feel it on my cheeks.

-i swear that...-

-it doesn't matter- Even if you heard something, i wouldn't care about it.

I say smiling falsely. What happens then, surprise me, it makes me smile, it makes my chapped lips curving.

Those strong arms hold me in a hug, hug that without warning, is able to warm that hidden part of me. Impulsively my arms hold his, and my eyes fall into his. 'what innocent eyes' i think.

But then I remember what happens in the reality to the girls like me, and I dodge, and I go the toilette. 

Evening is not late at coming, and mario goes home, marco, takes advantage of it for giving me an invitation.

-The day after tomorrow, we're playing a match, will you be there? Charlotte's got the passes, so you can come. Please Babs, you've to get better, please, please. I don't wanna look at you like that. Whose fault is? Who's the asshole who ripped off the pages of the book? Let me see it.

I take the book and I next give it to him.

-it can be fixed, come here.

He holds me in a hug, hug that only marco's able to give.

I fall asleep, sleeping next to Chars,thinking, that, maybe, someting was changing.

The next day, the usal day passed.

In my way i notice some kids, who  run happily.

'why can I not go back to that age?'

I reflect fixing my glasses, that I remove: my tired eyes are slowing asking for a rest, and the glasses are not obviously helping.

I arrive at home, mum isn't around. I take an apple, and I go to my room, at the second floor, I take the guitar, I sit next to the window and I sing a melody.

I get distracted by a noise, from outside, I look out of the window, and incredolous in front of my eyes, I found the guys with hazel eyes.

-what are you doing here? Marco isn't around.

I blurt coldly.

-nop, I was looking for you, get off! 

Says the guy keeping a laught.

-i have to study.

-playing the guitar? Get off, come on, is that so hard? Just two minutes, I've to tell you something.

I snort and nod.

I wear my lovely slippers, and I go out.

-what do you want to tell me?

I say angry. I feel myself holding in a hug, strong arms hold my hips.

-Babs, tomorrow we're palaying, you will come, isn't it? I would appreciate it.

Says Mario with a smile, brighter than the sun.

-yeah, but just to keep company with Chars. I don't like stadiums.

I emphasize.

-here you are, this s a gift that I'm giving you with love. As a sign up of our friendship. Have a lovely evening, see you tomorrow.

it's rainy in my heart.Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant