Chapter 6: Stop Her!

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I guarantee your going to laugh in this chapter. 

The trio followed Catra into the quiet woods staying far behind. 

"Be as quiet as possible," Adora whispered. Glimmer & Bow nodded & turned their attention back to Catra. They missed her transition but they saw the red glow.

"You were right." Bow said facing Adora.

"Do you know how to stop it?" Glimmer asked thinking. Bow shrugged & the look on Adora's face said no.

"Follow me," Adora said walking ahead. GlimBow followed closely behind scared of what could happen next. Adora looked around before jogging across a stone pathway. Glimmer & Bow exchanged looks but followed behind. Little did they know Brightmare was watching them. Adora pointed towards a stone door & a look of determination appeared on her face.

"The princesses are in there." Bow nodded.

"There has to be a way in... right?" Bow asked turning to face Glimmer but saw nothing but trees.

"Uh, Glimmer?" Bow's voice cracked while talking. Adora ran towards Bow & started looking around.

"Glimmer?" Adora said raising her voice.

"Hey!" A voice came from behind the stone wall.

"Mermista?" Adora questioned. She couldn't see her but knew she rolled her eyes.

"Yes, you idiot! Now help us out! I'm hungry as f-" Perfuma placed her hand on Mermista's mouth.

"No cursing." The duo heard Mermista groan but their attention turned to footsteps approaching. Adora summoned her sword & Bow held his fists up.


"Can you not talk so loudly, geez." Ca-Brightmare said appearing from the shadows.

"Stupid headache." Brightmare muttered going back into the shadows to grab something.

"O-oh sorry." Adora apologized earning a groan from Mermista. Bow gave her the 'are you serious' face.

"DON'T APOLOGIZE TO THE VILLAIN!!" Mermista shouted through the wall.

"Right! Sorry." Adora cleared her throat.

"For the honor of grayskull." Adora said quietly as a bright light appeared, blinding Bow in the process. When the light cleared She-Ra stood in front of him.

"Thanks for being quieter." Brightmare said revealing an unconscious Glimmer & a tied up Frosta.

"No problem!" She-ra replied with a grin. They then heard a groan coming from the hideout.

"Oh my god." Was heard from the other side. She-Ra turned her attention back to Brightmare & her eyes widened.

"Can you move? Carrying people is a lot harder than it looks." Brightmare said looking at She-Ra.

"Seriously? They can't be that heavy! Lemme try." She-Ra said grabbing Glimmer & Frosta.

"Their not heavy at all." She-Ra flexed earning a chuckle from Bow. She-Ra handed the 2 back to Brightmare & stepped out of the way.

"Well your She-Ra you have like infinite strength." Brightmare said opening the hideout. They placed the bodies on the floor & turned their attention back to She-Ra.

"Oh my god. This is the dumbest rescue mission I've ever seen." Mermista said with her hands on her face. Brightmare closed the hideout & turned to face She-Ra.

"Give me your best shot." Brightmare said with a smug expression. She-Ra's eyes widened & her expression saddened.

"Already? I had fun talking." Brightmare slapped itself with a smile on its face.

"WHAT THE FU-" Perfuma, once again, cut Mermista off.

"Language." Perfuma said calmly.

"Alright we'll talk later." Brightmare said removing it's hands. She-Ra smiled again & prepared to fight.

"When your kidnapped." Brightmare muttered inaudible to anyone. Bow on the other hand was sneaking up on Brightmare. However, when he stepped on a tree branch it snapped in half causing Catra's ears to twitch. Brightmare turned around & saw Bow. Brightmare raised an eyebrow when Bow stopped moving.

"Why aren't you moving?"

"If I move you'll know I'm here." Mermista groaned loudly from the hideout causing Brightmare to hold its head for a second.

"I don't have time for this." Brightmare snapped its finger & She-Ra disappeared. Adora looked at herself then back at Bow scared. Brightmare then ran over to Bow & tackled him.

"Adora run!" Bow yelled before Brightmare put its hands on his face making him pass out. Adora tried to move but couldn't. She was too scared to do anything but finally have the courage to punch Brightmare in the face. It stumbled back revealing Catra's eyes. Catra looked up with tears in her eyes as she held onto her cheek. Then Catra dropped to her knees tears spilling out.

"C-Catra? Whats going on?!" Adora asked stepping forward. Catra looked up revealing one eye with a red glow.

"Catra-" Adora said stepping back. Catra shook her head, her hands attached to her head. Suddenly a laugh emerged from the felines mouth.

"Your Catra is gone." Brightmare said standing up. Adora gave Brightmare a confused look.

"But I just saw her." Brightmare face turned red from embarrassment. 

"Y-yeah, well uhh-"

"JUST FIGHT ALREADY!! I can't stand to listen to this anymore." Mermista said before hearing a thunk.

"Ow." Mermista rubbed the part that hit the wall.

"Geez, ok. Impatient." Brightmare said before charging at Adora. Adora reacted too slowly & ended up losing easily. Brightmare picked Adora up & placed her in the hideout not noticing the sun rise up. After locking the hideout Brightmare turned around & stepped back inside.

"Stupid sun!" Brightmare pouted sitting down. 

"Hey! The sun isn't stupid!" Perfuma said crossing her arms.

"It gives life to plants." Perfuma said smiling at the thought. Brightmare shook its head closing its eyes.

"I can't deal with you guys right now." Catra opened her eyes & looked around. Her eyes widened when she saw where she was.

"What happened?"

"How come you never told me you were the 'chosen one'!" Adora shouted crossing her arms. 

Surprise bitch, you thought you've seen the last of me. Jk I just posted, anyways what did ya think of the chapter?

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